Allergenic plants in the garden. Plants - allergens Hypoallergenic houseplants

A bouquet of flowers is a great gift for any holiday, but such a gift will bring little joy if the recipient is allergic. No, this does not mean that the idea of ​​presenting a flower arrangement should be completely abandoned, you just need to pick up special hypoallergenic flowers. So the most important thing that is required of you when choosing a composition is attentiveness, which will allow you to include the safest plants for an allergic person in the bouquet.

Allergy to flowers - what is it?

Any doctor will tell you that there is no such thing as an allergy to flowers, a negative reaction of the body manifests itself only when interacting with pollen. Allergy to pollen is one of the most common diseases of the nasopharynx, which, unfortunately, cannot be completely cured. The only option is to minimize symptoms with the help of special preparations, however, they bring only temporary relief and often a person has to completely eliminate the possibility of contact with allergens.

Allergies can manifest themselves in different ways. The most common symptoms include coughing, sneezing, runny nose, itchy skin, tearing and redness of the eyes, conjunctivitis, and swelling. In some cases, the symptoms can be more unpleasant and severe, up to the development of bronchial asthma. The thing is that when pollen enters the body, it settles on the mucous membranes, thereby causing irritation.

Hypoallergenic varieties

But despite all of the above, even allergy sufferers love beautiful flower arrangements. And you can pleasantly surprise a loved one or colleague by presenting him with a bouquet, but in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you will have to take into account several important nuances. Well, if you know which varieties a person is allergic to, it will be easier to make a choice. But if such details are unknown, then you should give preference to a win-win option: buying a bouquet of hypoallergenic flowers.

However, it is immediately worth noting that plants that are completely safe in this regard do not exist. Breeders are working to develop hypoallergenic varieties, but so far their attempts have not been successful. But still, you have the opportunity to choose options that, if they cause inconvenience, are minimal.

For example, flowers with a small amount of pollen are perfect, in particular, you should pay attention to:

  • roses (especially if their buds have not yet fully opened);
  • orchids (preferably artificially grown);
  • dahlias;
  • tulips;
  • phloxes;
  • petunias.

At the same time, it is better to refuse daisies, lilies, callas, gerberas and much more if you do not want to inconvenience the recipient and put yourself in an awkward position. In the design of bouquets, you also need to be careful and abandon such decorative elements as ears of corn or fern leaves - they have a lot of pollen, which can also cause allergies.

Color stabilization

Stabilization of flowers is a relative novelty in the world of domestic floristry, not everyone knows about this procedure, but it can be a real salvation for people suffering from allergies. Initially, stabilization was invented in order to keep plants fresh and beautiful for as long as possible.

The whole secret is in a special solution based on glycerin, which replaces the juice of living plants. Almost any flower can be subjected to such processing, while its appearance will not betray the fact of using new technologies. Plants intended for stabilization are grown on a special plantation, and they are cut off strictly at a certain time - during the period of maximum development.

Carefully selected exclusively by hand, flowers are placed in a special composition where dehydration occurs, as a result of which the plants become very fragile and almost transparent. After they are immersed in a solution with glycerin, which restores the natural strength and elasticity. Natural shades are returned with the help of food coloring, and the drying process is completed in special chambers.

A variety of allergenic plants are quite common throughout the world. At the moment, about 700 species are known. One form of allergy is hay fever, which manifests itself in full force during the flowering period of plants. As a rule, this is summer and spring time, as well as sunny and warm weather.

In rainy weather and a dry period, the amount of pollen produced is minimal. Hours of strong dusting of plants are typical for the morning hours.

Plants that cause allergies are not very difficult to recognize. The manifestation of an allergy is facilitated by the ingress of the aroma of a plant or pollen onto the mucous membrane. It is for this reason that allergy sufferers suffer from rather strong nasal discharge, swelling and sneezing.


The development of allergic reactions is affected by special individual factors inherent in the body. Despite this, there are plants that can cause a persistent allergic reaction in people whose immunity is quite high.

Some of the most common indoor allergens include:

Geranium Fern Crinum Oleander
Dieffenbachia Euphorbia Kalanchoe Rhododendron

Some plants have varieties, appearance may vary.

  • All kinds of geraniums. Its leaves contain essential oils with a fairly persistent odor. This is what leads to allergies;
  • Ferns are dangerous with their spores. In the process of reproduction, they move through the air and can settle on the human mucosa, causing allergies;
  • Crinum. Allergies are often caused during the flowering and fragrance of the plant. It gives off a very strong aroma, which some people like, others can cause allergies;
  • Oleander. During its flowering, the plant splashes fragrant components into the air, which cause a persistent allergic reaction. This plant is classified as potentially the most dangerous;
  • Dieffenbachia. A very beautiful plant, which, by the strength of a possible allergy, is considered quite dangerous. Very often, in order for an allergy to appear, it is enough just to touch the leaves. For this reason, gloves are put on the hands in the process of caring for the plant;
  • Spurge. It contains a substance such as carcassone, which in a certain amount can lead to general malaise. The white juice of the plant, when in contact with the skin, causes quite severe itching and even thick rashes. Caring for this plant is also best done with gloves;
  • Kalanchoe. Despite the large number of positive qualities inherent in the plant, its juice, when it enters the body, is able to provoke serious swelling of the larynx and other respiratory organs;
  • Rhododendron - emits a very bright aroma, which in some people can cause migraines and quite strong skin rashes.

If you are allergic to one of the plants listed above, contact with them should be completely excluded.

Important! Caution in the process of contact with indoor plants-allergens is necessary. The reason is that each of them is able to cause very severe symptoms, which in their strong manifestation are life-threatening.

wild plants

There are many wild plants that can cause serious allergic reactions. First of all, it is worth highlighting sunflowers and daisies, which belong to the ragweed family. These are quite serious allergens that can lead to the development of severe symptoms on the part of the human body.

To avoid some kind of allergy plan, for planting plants in the garden, hypoallergenic varieties should be preferred.

There are quite a few trees that cause serious allergies. Plants such as ash, apple, poplar, olive, poplar, and yew deserve special attention. The pollen of such trees is released in a relatively small amount, but due to its special properties, it can lead to a fairly persistent allergic reaction. If such a negative reaction is noted, you should not plant such plants in the garden or avoid walking in parks where these plants are planted.

A large amount of pollen emit trees such as oak, birch and alder. To protect your body from allergies, you should exclude any contact with these plants. These trees in a certain state of stress emit excessive amounts of pollen, which can lead to the development of persistent allergies. Many of these plants are medicinal, but in the presence of special reactions of the body they are able to cause severe allergic reactions.

Sufficiently persistent allergies can cause flowers such as tulips, eyes, crocuses, carnations. Reactions can be different, ranging from a run from the nose to rashes on the surface of the skin.

There are certain medicinal plants that can also cause allergies. The most dangerous in this category is the usual pharmacy chamomile. Along with the serious healing properties that chamomile is endowed with, its feature is the ability to do much harm to the human body.

Allergy manifestations

At the very beginning, there is a slight general malaise, headache, shortness of breath are possible. After there is a fairly pronounced itching, burning sensation in the mouth and nose.

Most patients report symptoms such as numbness, mucous discharge, sneezing, and conjunctivitis. As soon as an allergic reaction touches the bronchi, a person develops a cough.

The pollen of all allergenic plants is a special male cell. They are necessary for the reproduction of plants, that is, it is a special vegetable protein that has a rather complex structure. When it enters the respiratory system, pollen causes a fairly pronounced reaction of the body, which from a medical point of view is called hay fever.

This is a type of allergy, which is based on a special reagin mechanism of serious tissue damage. Substances such as immunoglobulins E and G take part in the reaction. They cause the release of serotonin, histamine, bradykinin and other biological substances into the blood.

Plant allergy symptoms can occur at completely different ages. First of all, the skin, respiratory organs, and also the gastrointestinal tract are affected.

Treatment Methods

First of all it is required to stop human contact with all types of allergen. At the same time, antihistamines are prescribed - Suprastin, Ketotifen, Fenkarol, Tavegil. These medicines are usually rotated every ten days. often a specialist prescribes special drops in the nose or eyes. With sufficiently severe forms of the disease, the doctor may prescribe courses of hormonal drugs that are drunk until all symptoms disappear completely.

As you know, it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later. The surest way to protect yourself from developing allergies is to lead a healthy lifestyle.. There are methods such as ASIT and ALT that help get rid of allergies forever.

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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it is dangerous! An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

If you want to refresh the interior of your home, then indoor plants are the best choice. This is the easiest and fastest way to bring innovation to an already bored room, breathe life into the space. But, attention - what to do if you or someone from your household suffers from allergies? Do you always have to admire artificial flower arrangements, constantly covered with dust. Of course not. Consider decorating your home with houseplants that have low allergenic pollen. With them, your home will be not only beautiful, but also comfortable for living.

It should be remembered that the causes of allergies in all people are different. Those that are suitable for one are absolutely contraindicated for others. Therefore, listen to your feelings, and select indoor plants individually. But still, there are some plants that have low allergenicity. It is with them that it is best to start compiling your home greenhouse.

Home greenhouse for allergy sufferers


One of the most unpretentious plants, however, if it grows in open ground, for example, in a personal plot or in a flower bed at the entrance. However, this plant will also grow in your home if you choose a place with good lighting for it, for example, on a balcony, or as an external decoration of a private house. In the room, due to lack of light, this plant stretches and blooms poorly.


This is a very beautiful plant with colorful leaves. It requires proper care. The soil should be moist, but not too wet, there should be enough light, but direct sunlight should be avoided in the spring and summer. The appearance of its leaves, shape and color will tell you if you are caring for it correctly. If the color of the leaves is dull or even monotonous, then there is little light, the ends of the leaves have turned brown - water more. Croton is very capricious, but with enough attention it will be a real decoration of an apartment or office. Moreover, it can be grown in a floor vase in the form of a tree, as well as in pots in the form of a bush. In the latter case, pinch off the top, and the upward growth of the plant will stop. Next, you can watch a video about the features of this plant.

Peperomia. This is a small compact plant. There are more than 50 types of peperomia, the main difference of which is the shape and color of the leaves. They grow well in bright but diffused light. They should be watered when the soil feels dry to the touch.

Laurel noble

It is a plant with shiny green leaves. Laurel grows well indoors, but in summer it is better to transfer it to the balcony, on hot days it requires more watering. Laurel leaves can be used as a spice in cooking various dishes.

Spathiphyllum (Peace lily)

It is a beautiful plant with showy white flowers. Grows well in a warm environment. The soil should be moist, but not wet, the lighting should be moderate.

And finally

Do not forget that the source of allergens can be not only the plants themselves, but also dust on their leaves, soil in pots. That is why it is worth picking off dry and yellow flowers and leaves in time, wiping the plant from dust, and do not over-moisten the soil because of the possibility of mold in the pot.

If, even with proper care, indoor plants cause any allergic reactions in households, it is better to replace them. Among the huge variety of plants you will definitely find your own, the neighborhood with which will bring only pleasure, aesthetic and physical.

Safe houseplants for allergy sufferers Photo and Video

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Allergic reactions to indoor flowers have recently become a common problem that both adults and children can face. Allergies to indoor flowers often develop for a variety of reasons.

The desire to breed indoor plants in order to decorate a home, bring more comfort and beauty to it, is characteristic of every person. Green spaces on the windowsills improve mood, help relieve stress, improve well-being, but only in cases where they do not become the culprit of allergic manifestations.

The allergen can be the plant itself, pollen during its flowering, or mold that forms on too wet ground in a flower pot.

To find out which home flowers you may be allergic to, you should understand the reasons for its occurrence.

Causes of allergic reactions

While cultivating green spaces, a person may notice the following symptoms: a constant runny nose, sneezing, swelling of the eyes, and an incessant cough. Often the patient takes the symptoms of an allergy to indoor flowers for an infectious or catarrhal disease, without stopping contact with the allergen.

There are a number of reasons that contribute to the development of an allergy to green spaces:

  1. The predisposition of the body, manifested by an allergy to food, household chemicals, room dust or some types of mold, wool or fluff of pets, and so on.
  2. External factors that reduce the protective properties of the body: poor environmental conditions, living in areas with high gas pollution, cigarette smoke.
  3. Types of flowers that are dangerous for an allergic person, which, out of ignorance, are grown at home.

Allergy to wild and domestic flowers often manifests itself in the form of hay fever (allergic manifestations of pollination of flowers). The main source of trouble in such cases are wild shrubs and trees, which bloom at the end of spring, beginning of summer.

During this period, an allergy to indoor flowers may also begin, and the symptoms of the disease will be similar to the symptoms of hay fever.

Often, negative manifestations on the flowering of indoor plants are not associated with the pollen of flowers at all. An allergic reaction of the body can be triggered by the land in which the plant is planted. An allergy develops to various types of soil fertilizers, which are used as fertilizers.

Mold is also an allergen, which develops on the soil in cases where the flower is not properly cared for. Excessive watering is necessary only for moisture-loving plants, otherwise part of the water remains in the soil, causing mold to develop on its surface and on the walls of the flower pot.

Direct contact with some types of houseplants can lead to skin dermatitis. The stems, leaves, or roots of the plant rarely cause an allergic reaction when touched.

In such cases, the following symptoms of the disease are most often diagnosed: skin rashes such as urticaria, a rash all over the body, especially at the points of contact with the plant (hands, wrists), severe itching.

Unpleasant manifestations can also be caused by juice from the leaves of a number of indoor flowers, for example: orchid juice is dangerous if it gets on the mucous membranes, because the plant is considered poisonous. Young children often taste the bright flowers and beautiful leaves of home plantings.

Poisonous juice can provoke a violent reaction of the body, up to the development of anaphylactic shock.

Indoor plants that provoke allergies

There are a number of colors that most often cause the development of allergic reactions. If a baby has appeared in the house, one of the family members suffers from seasonal or food allergies, you should refuse to breed them at home.

Strong allergens that are dangerous in direct contact with them include:

  1. Razia, plumeria, carissa, strophanthus, diplatia, oleander, adenium (kutrov family). All parts of the flowers of this family can provoke severe allergic manifestations. Especially dangerous is the juice of the leaves, which has fallen on the mucous membranes.
  2. Lily (lily family). The peculiarity of the flower is that at night and in the evening it releases carbon dioxide in large quantities into the air, which causes a severe headache and disrupts sleep. Leaves and flowers contain poisonous juice and can be a source of contact allergies.
  3. Monsteru, Diefenbachia, Calladium, Alocasia, Calla lilies (Araceae family). In parts of plants, the presence of such substances as: Asparagine and oxalic acids was revealed, when the juice gets on the mucous membranes or skin, an allergic reaction instantly develops. Many are interested in whether the spathiphyllum is an allergenic flower? Yes, it belongs to the same family.
  4. Akalifu, poinsettia, jatropha, croton (euphorbia family). Leaf juice can cause severe burns to the skin or mucous membranes.
  5. Brunfelsia, capsicum, browallia, false nightshade (nightshade family). Bright leaves and fruits often make babies want to taste them, which leads to negative consequences.

But even the juice of a medicinal plant, such as Kalanchoe, can become an allergen in case of individual intolerance.

There are a number of indoor plants that provoke allergies by their presence in the room, these include:

  • ivy evergreen,
  • azalea,
  • glorisa,
  • aglaonema,
  • plumeria.


Symptoms have a different etiology, but most often manifest as follows:

  • a person's eyes turn red, eyelids swell, uncontrolled lacrimation begins;
  • allergic rhinitis develops, accompanied by copious secretion of mucus from the nasal passages, sneezing and swelling;
  • dry cough appears;
  • itchy skin on the face, skin rashes occur throughout the body (urticaria, dermatitis, neurodermatitis);
  • in rare cases, there is a feeling of nausea, body temperature rises, blood pressure rises.

In a severe course of an allergic reaction, an attack of bronchial asthma, Quincke's edema, and anaphylactic shock may develop.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnostics includes the following steps:

  • examination by an allergist;
  • collection of anamnesis;
  • taking blood tests to detect elevated levels of histamine;
  • conducting skin tests;
  • appointment of tests to identify the allergen.

Treatment of an allergic reaction is directly related to the age of the patient and the type of allergic manifestations.

A mandatory point is the elimination of any contact with the allergen.

An adult is prescribed the following medications:

  1. Antihistamine drugs in the form of tablets (reception coursework) to relieve allergic manifestations. Most often used: Loratadin, Tavegil, Claritin, Tsetrin.
  2. Nasal drops for symptoms of allergic rhinitis, they help relieve swelling, reduce itching, stop the secretion of mucus from the nasal passages. Avamys drops are an effective drug.
  3. Ointments and gels. When skin rashes appear, non-hormonal ointments and gels should be used. Akriderm and Akriderm GK are highly effective.
  4. Sorbents. Sorbent preparations are prescribed as a complex therapy for the rapid elimination of unpleasant symptoms, the removal of toxins from the body.
Preventive measures include the following:
  • careful selection of plants for breeding at home;
  • proper care for them;
  • choosing a place for home decor (do not put poisonous flowers with bright fruits and leaves in places where a small child can reach them).

There are a number of indoor flowers, to which allergic reactions develop extremely rarely, these include:

  • lemon, leaves of a green tree emit essential oils and phytoncides, disinfecting the air in the room;
  • agave (aloe) and Decembrist, are medicinal plants widely used in medicine;
  • pelargonium, the flower purifies the air, helps get rid of mosquitoes;
  • begonia, it moisturizes and purifies the air, releases phytoncides;
  • fern nephropelis, the leaves of the plant produce a huge amount of oxygen;
  • hibiscus - is considered the safest for a child's room.

Which flowers do not cause allergies?

    • Allergies do not cause flowers that you smell for the first time in your life 😉
    • The less pollen and stink from a flower, the greater the chance that it is not a strong allergen (if you do not poke your nose directly into it).
  • Allergies are usually caused by almost any flowers that are. After all, it is usually the pollen that causes allergies in people. But you can name flowers that are less allergenic. For example, these include orchids, begonias and phlox.

    Strongly allergenic are ragweed, lilies, geraniums and others, mainly those that emit a very strong smell.

    It should be noted that each person has his own allergic sensitivity to flowers: when inhaling the pollen of any non-allergenic flowers, he may experience a runny nose, watery eyes. This is especially common in summer, during flowering.

    Even flowers such as chamomile, clover, asters, decorative and deciduous plants that do not cause a particular allergy can, for some people, become a source of allergic symptoms, up to angioedema.

    Immediately the thought came to mind - artificial. But seriously? After all, every girl loves flowers, and what to do if you have an allergy. An allergic reaction is caused by pollen, which is found in flowers. Therefore, you need to choose flowers in which there is no pollen or there is still very little of it. Flowers are considered the most hypoallergenic: climbing roses, unopened roses, phloxes, orchids, bougainvillea has no pollen, petunias, lobelia (for the garden).

    All flowers can cause allergies, because all flowers are characterized by the presence of pollen, which is the allergen.

    There are more hypoallergenic flowers, there are less, but completely hypoallergenic ones simply do not exist.

    All flowers cause allergies (the only exception is Cappuccino, but let's be honest, it is not for romantic relationships. And in my personal experience, the more beautiful the flower, the more allergic it is. Pollen from flowers prevents people from enjoying the smell of flowers. Therefore, give perfume.

    Due to the fact that many people have an allergic reaction to flowers, breeders have bred one single flower that does not cause allergies - decorative sunflowers and they are called Cappuccino, and all other flowers are dangerous for allergy sufferers.

    All flowers that have pollen can cause allergies, because pollen is the allergen. Based on this, you need to pay attention to those flowers in which there is no pollen or e is very small. These flowers include the following: orchids, phloxes, petunias, lobelias, climbing roses.

    The more dust and pollen on flowers, the stronger their smell, the more they can provoke an allergy, there are many such flowers, even indoor flowers such as geranium, dieffenbachia cause allergies. Flowers that are safe for allergy sufferers are beautiful orchids, double roses, cambria, begonia.

    Any flower can cause allergies. The most dangerous are those flowers that have a strong smell and a lot of pollen. Most hated by allergy sufferers is ragweed. During its flowering period, everyone actively sneezes and cries.

    All flowers cause allergies. Because all flowers have pollen. There are flowers that have pollen in small quantities, these are orchids, phloxes, begonias, but a large number of these flowers, again, will cause allergies. In medicine, 700 types of flowers and 11,000 flowering plants have been identified that cause allergies. Therefore, you should simply find flowers that do not cause you allergies. By the way, according to scientists, they have bred genetically modified flowers that do not cause allergies, though I have not seen them on sale yet.