Happy birthday greetings in English for relatives and colleagues. Happy birthday - examples with translation Postcard in English happy birthday

The tradition of congratulating a person on his birthday orally or in writing is present in many nations, the British and Americans are no exception in this regard.

In English, there are many expressions and words with which you can congratulate the birthday man. But not all of them are translated verbatim, therefore, before writing the text of congratulations in English, you need to familiarize yourself with the information that is given below.

How to write a congratulation "Happy Birthday" in English?

Congratulating each other on their birthday, the British say only two words "Happy Birthday". After these words, a long wish may follow, but in some cases they are limited to them alone.

If we talk about the literal interpretation, then the phrase "Happy Birthday" means not just "Happy Birthday", but "Happy Birthday". The word "Happy" is translated as "happy". When composing a congratulation in English, they do not bother specifying the details, but in Russian the same phrase often sounds like “Happy Birthday to you” and is translated as “Happy Birthday to you”.

Trying to beautifully compose a congratulation to an English-speaking person in his native language, you do not need to come up with something unusual in Russian, and then try to translate the resulting text into English. Phrases and phrases should be as simple as possible.

If you want to say something really nice, then you can see examples of how you can make a birthday greeting for a specific person, which are presented below.

Happy birthday greetings in English

There are many options for how to congratulate a person on the day of rain in English. The table below shows only some of the most popular congratulations that are often used in everyday life.

Happy Birthday! Happy birthday!
Let this day be the happiest! May this day be the happiest!
Congratulations, I wish a lot of gifts! Congratulations, I wish you many gifts!
I congratulate and wish you more joyful moments! Congratulations and I wish you many happy moments!
I cordially congratulate you! Congratulations!
Take this birthday greeting! Let all dreams and desires come true! Accept this birthday greeting! May all dreams and desires come true!
Have a nice day! I wish you a great time with friends! I wish you a good day! I wish you a great time with friends!
greetings! Let the most cherished dream come true! Congratulations! May the most cherished dream come true!
Congratulations, girlfriend! Stay always young and beautiful! Congratulations girlfriend! Stay young and beautiful always!
Congratulations! Long life, friend! Congratulations! Long life, friend!
Congratulations! I wish you fulfillment of all desires on this special day! Congratulations! I wish you the fulfillment of all desires on this special day!
I wish you prosperity and well-being and love! I wish you prosperity and family well-being, love!
Congratulations! I hope your life will be as Sunny as this holiday! Congratulations! I hope your life will be as sunny as this festive day!
I hope your life will be as sweet as this birthday cake! I hope your life is as sweet as this birthday cake!
I hope we celebrate your hundredth birthday together! Congratulations! I hope we celebrate your 100th birthday together! Congratulations!
I congratulate you and wish you many happy moments! Congratulations and I wish you many happy moments!
Take this gift from the heart on your birthday! greetings! Accept this gift from the bottom of your heart on your birthday! Congratulations!
This day is very important for me, because today you were born! This day is very important for me, because today you were born!
This is the best day of my life, because I can congratulate you on your Birthday! This is the best day of my life because I can wish you a happy birthday!
I was born! happy birthday to me Today I was born! Happy birthday to me
Happy day today, because 25 years ago I was born. Happy day today, because 25 years ago I was born.
The best day of my life is your birthday! The best day of my life is your birthday!
30 years ago, a bright star appeared in the sky. On this day you were born! 30 years ago, a bright star appeared in the sky. On this day you were born!
I wish you get a lot of smiles, congratulations and gifts on your Birthday! I wish you a lot of smiles, congratulations and gifts on your birthday!
Congratulations to the birthday boy. We wish you prosperity and love! Congratulations to the birthday boy. We wish you prosperity and love!
Birthday is a special holiday. I wish to celebrate it with friends and family! Birthday is a special holiday. I wish to meet him together with friends and relatives!
I hope that you will remember this Birthday for many years! Congratulations! I hope you remember this birthday for many years to come! Congratulations!
Happy Birthday my dear friend! We have come with gifts and congratulations! We wish you happiness and love! Happy Birthday my dear friend! We came with gifts and congratulations! We wish you happiness and love!
I wish you all the best on this holiday! I wish you all the best on this festive day!

If none of the presented congratulations fit, you can always compose your own birthday greetings in English.

Official birthday greetings in English

It is not always appropriate to scatter in compliments to the birthday man and make heartfelt speeches about the birthday. If we are talking about congratulating the birthday of an unfamiliar person - a colleague at work, a boss, a subordinate, an employee of any service, then the prepared speech should be official. The jokes are hardly appropriate.

The most popular official birthday greetings in English are presented in the table below:

For the best boss with respect from the whole team! Congratulations! To the best chef with respect from the whole team! Congratulations!
Our friendly team congratulates you and wishes you good mood, home comfort and optimism. Our friendly team congratulates you and wishes you a good mood, home comfort and optimism.
Favorite teacher! We congratulate you on the holiday and wish you only good students and success! Beloved teacher! We congratulate you on the holiday and wish you only good students and creative success!
Please accept our congratulations on your birthday! We wish you successful completion of all projects! Please accept our congratulations on your birthday! We wish you successful completion of all projects!
I sincerely congratulate! I wish you good health and success in your work! Sincere congratulations! I wish you good health and success in your work!
You are the best boss we can imagine! Congratulations from the whole team! You are the best chef imaginable! Accept congratulations from the whole team!
Today is the birthday of a wonderful person who has done a lot of good for our company! Congratulations! Today is the birthday of a wonderful person who has done a lot of good for our company! Congratulations!
Congratulations on your Birthday! We respect your work and wish you to continue our cooperation! Sincerely your colleagues and partners! Accept congratulations on your birthday! We respect your work and wish to continue our cooperation! Sincerely, your colleagues and partners!
I wish you a long life, good luck and financial stability! Congratulations! I wish you a long life, good luck and financial stability! Congratulations!

English birthday greetings in verse

It is not at all necessary to come up with a beautiful birthday greeting in prose. You can congratulate the birthday man on his birthday in English in verse. To do this, it is enough to compose a few quatrains in Russian, and then translate them into English, or choose one of the ready-made poetic congratulations.

Birthday boy - this day has come!

You say you're welcome!

You are waiting for gifts and congratulations!

And we're here to make your day happy!

Birthday - the day has come!

You say welcome to everyone!

You are waiting for gifts and congratulations!

And we're here to make your day happy!

Don't be sad and don't cry!

You're like a butterfly!

Beautiful and magical!

Lucky and loved!

Don't be sad and don't cry!

You are like a butterfly!

Beautiful and magical!

Lucky and loved!

The magic of life will be the way!

Don't forget tomorrow and today!

Let the bad disappear!

And good will always be near!

Magic in life will be the way!

Don't forget tomorrow and today!

Let the bad disappear!

And the good will always be there!

Happy birthday we're talking!

We can consider you our best friend!

You're always ready to understand!

I wish you simply to live!

Do not be sad and believe!

That all dreams come true!

Happy birthday we say!

I wish you just to live!

Do not be sad and believe!

That all dreams come true!

I wish health and happiness to your child!

Watch him only with a smile!

Happiness in life!

And only in good faith!

I wish your child health and happiness! Watch him with a smile! Happiness in life!

Only believe in the good!

We wish you happiness and love!

Let the days be full of luck!

Let there be all that you desire!

What you dream of comes true!

We wish you happiness and love!

May the days be filled with good luck!

May everything you wish be!

What you dream comes true!

Congratulations for a man

Happy Birthday!

We wish you success, joy and luck!

Good days and true friends!

Greatest asset and money!

For us you are the best man in the world!

Today all love is for you!

Happy Birthday!

We wish you success, joy and luck!

Good days and true friends!

A lot of capital and money!

For us, you are the best man on earth!

All love is for you today!

You're the man of my dreams!

You are my best husband and friend!

Happy birthday to you dear!

I'm glad you're so cute!

You are my wall of support!

I don't hear you reproach!

You're the father and the family protector!

And you are a real champ in life!

You are the man of my dreams!

Best friend and husband is you!

Happy birthday to you dear!

I'm glad you're so cute!

You are my wall and support!

From you I do not hear a reproach!

You are the protector of the family and the father!

And a great fellow in life!

Happy Birthday my friend!

Look around you!

Our whole family is here!

And we want to congratulate you!

wish health and happiness!

A lot of money, a little bit of power!

Love that drives you crazy!

Let luck come to you!

Expensive limousines and just cars!

Forget about work, traffic, subway! Go to the sea and visit Paris!

We wish you to achieve what you are sad about!

We wish to dream and want more!

We wish you to know how to do everything in life!

Happy Birthday, my friend!

Look around!

Our whole family is here!

And we want to congratulate you!

Wish you health and happiness!

A lot of money, a little power!

Crazy love!

Let luck come to you!

Expensive limousines and just cars!

Forget about work, traffic jams, subway!

Go to the sea, see Paris!

We wish you to achieve what you are sad about!

We want to dream more and wish more!

We want to be able to do everything in life!

Congratulations for a woman

Happy birthday sweetie!

You're bright and naughty!

I don't need any other!

I wish you many years to live without mourning and woes!

I wish you kindness, fulfillment of every dream!

Be always young and beautiful!

You are the dearest person for me!

Happy birthday, darling!

You are bright and mischievous!

I don't need any other!

I wish you many years to live without grief and troubles!

I wish you kindness, the fulfillment of every dream!

Be always young and beautiful!

You are the dearest person to me!

Happy birthday dear!

I wish you happiness without end!

I wish you smiles and kind words!

Pleasant moments, beautiful flowers!

You're the best mom, wife and daughter!

You're always ready to help us in trouble!

Let all wishes and dreams come true!

Let there be more warmth in life!

Happy birsday, my dear!

I wish you happiness without end!

I wish you smiles and kind words!

Pleasant moments, beautiful flowers!

You are the best mother, wife and daughter!

You are always ready to help us in trouble!

May all wishes and dreams come true!

Let there be more warmth in life!

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Congratulations for a colleague

A good friend and work colleague on her birthday can be pleased with an original congratulation in English in poetic form. An example of such a birthday greeting, read below.

Dear (name) I congratulate you on your Birthday!

I wish you to be successful and rich!

Don't waste your husband's entire salary!

I wish you to be in harmony with yourself!

To be beloved, do not be stingy!

Let the work bring you joy!

Let your life be sweeter than the best sweetness!

Dear (name), happy birthday to you!

I wish you to be successful and rich!

Do not spend your husband's entire salary!

I want to be in harmony with myself!

To be loved, not to be stingy!

Let work bring joy!

Let life be sweeter than the best sweetness!

We wish you a happy birthday!

We wish you great luck in your work!

We wish salaries not less than one million!

And men's admiring glances!

We wish you not to be angry with the boss!

We wish you to forget about the grief!

Congratulations on your birthday!

We wish you great luck in your work!

We wish you a salary of at least a million!

And the views of admiring men!

We wish you not to anger the boss!

We wish you to forget about grief!

Congratulations for the teacher

Let me congratulate you on your Birthday!

I wish you joy, success and luck!

Let melancholy and bad luck leave you

On this glorious day of spring!

We wish you success!

We wish you a lot of joy and laughter!

Allow me to congratulate you on your birthday!

Wish you joy, success and luck!

May this glorious spring day

The blues and bad luck will leave you!

We wish you creative success!

We wish you a lot of joy and laughter!

A favorite teacher, the great teacher!

We bring you greetings on your Birthday!

You're kind, sweet, smart, strict!

Always fair, a little vulnerable!

We congratulate you and wish you happiness!

We wish you success in work, health, patience

And luck in life!

Beloved teacher, great teacher!

Please accept our congratulations on your birthday!

You are kind, sweet, smart, strict!

Always fair, a little vulnerable!

We congratulate you and wish you happiness!

Success in work, health, patience

In work and life luck!

For children

Children love beautifully composed birthday greetings no less, if not more than adults. Here are just a few examples of what a good congratulation can be.

Happy birthday dear!

cute and groovy!

Get faster big!

We are all proud of you!

Our sweet flower, sweet angel!

Don't hurt or suffer!

Good dead don't forget!

Happy Birthday dear!

Sweet and groovy!

Get big fast!

We are all proud of you!

Our sweet flower, glorious angel!

Do not get sick and do not suffer!

Don't forget good deeds!

Happy birthday grandson!

Mother, father, grandmother and all relatives congratulate you on this holiday!!

All the toys are forgotten, books are also on the floor, Grandfather came to congratulations (name)!

I wish my grandson to be lucky and smart, to grow big!

I wish to live without troubles, to be healthy, to study well, never to be lazy!

Happy birthday, grandson!

Mom, dad, grandmother and all relatives congratulate you on this holiday !!

Toys are forgotten, books are thrown on the floor, grandfather came to visit our (name)!

I wish my grandson to be lucky and smart, grow big!

I wish you to live without troubles, be healthy, study well, never be lazy!

birthday invitation in english

Sometimes it is required not only to write a beautiful birthday greeting in English, but also to invite English-speaking friends to the holiday so that none of them refuse.

Examples of birthday invitations in English with translation:

Dear friend, I invite you to my birthday party! Dear friend, I invite you to come to my birthday party!
On Friday 20 November I was born! I aks you out for a cup of coffee and a delicious cake. Come, it'll be fun! I was born Friday November 20th! I invite you for a cup of coffee and a delicious cake. Come, it will be fun!
I know what you're doing this summer! You're going to my party! You're invited, you don't say no! I know what you're doing this summer! You're going to a party! You are invited, no refusal accepted!
I wish to invite you to the celebration. The celebration will take place at known locations, when the candles are burning! I would like to invite you to a feast. The celebration will take place in a place known to you at the hour when the candles are burning!
I invite my best friend to come and congratulate me! Good wishes and smiles are accepted as a gift! Waiting! Invite my best friend to come and congratulate me! Good wishes and smiles are accepted as a gift! I am waiting!
Come and see me! I will be very elegant and happy! It's my Birthday! Waiting! Come see me! I will be very smart and happy! After all, it's my birthday! I am waiting!
Dear friend, don't forget that you are invited to my birthday this year and for the rest of our lives. Come! Dear friend, don't forget that you are invited to my birthday party this year and for the rest of our lives. Come!

Congratulations on other events

Happy new year! We wish you health, wealth, family happiness and love! Let all dreams and desires come true in the New Year! Happy New Year! We wish you health, wealth, family happiness and love! May all your dreams and wishes come true in the New Year!
On this day Jesus Christ was born! We congratulate you on the holiday of the Holy Birth! We wish you to live together, to be healthy and happy! Merry Christmas! On this day, Jesus Christ was born! We congratulate you on the Feast of the Holy Birth! We wish you to live together, be healthy and happy! Merry Christmas!
Dear bride and groom, we congratulate you on your wedding day. We wish you to have a strong family! We want you to get along and love each other. We wish you to give birth to healthy children, to see grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Dear bride and groom, congratulations on your wedding day. We want to create a strong family! We want to live together, love each other. We wish to give birth to healthy children, to see grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Congratulations on your 50th birthday! We wish you good health, family well-being and success in your work. Let your children be happy and healthy! We wish you never to be sad, to keep in memory only pleasant memories. Happy 50th Anniversary! We wish you good health, family well-being, success in your work. May your children be happy and healthy! We wish you never to be sad, to keep only pleasant memories in your memory.


Inviting a friend or acquaintance to a birthday or wishing him a happy holiday is easy if you know several languages. Composing a cool birthday greeting in English will be considered an original gesture.

This approach to business will not only appeal to so many birthday people, but also gives a lot of room for creativity. An interesting congratulation or a short invitation to a holiday written on a postcard will be remembered for a long time.

  • 03 Aug.

    Congratulations on a holiday, birthday or some kind of achievement, as well as wishing all the best to a man or woman, is not just a manifestation of interest and care for a person. It is also a way to maintain relationships, make new acquaintances or enter into new business relationships. It has now become the accepted norm to have contacts abroad - both business and personal. Everyday conversations in terms of language and grammar are clearly different from the "congratulatory" language. Therefore, many, when the holidays come or an important event happens, are simply lost - how to issue a congratulation. We decided to give you a few tips so that you can come up with an original congratulation yourself.


    The phrase "I wish ..." can be started with:

    Wishing: Wishing you a wonderful Holiday Season!

    I wish: I wish you a Happy New Year!

    Let be...

    Specific wishes can start with a verb may or let.

    May the warmth and the joy of the Holiday Season be yours today and always.

    May the New Year be rich with blessings!

    Let all your troubles disappear, and all your friends be always near.

    Best wishes...

    Best wishes, oddly enough, are translated literally - best wishes (for) or sincere wishes(most sincere wishes).

    Best wishes for the holidays and for prosperity throughout the coming year.

    Sincerest wishes for hope, happiness and peace during this Holiday Season and throughout the coming year.

    What to wish for your birthday?

    Table 1. What do you want in English

    to be healthy.

    To have a lot of money

    have a lot of money.

    To find a true love

    find true love.


    To love and be loved

    to love and to be loved.

    To achieve success

    achieve success.

    To be successful

    to be successful.

    To find a good job

    To find a good job.

    To spend time in a family circle

    spend time with family.

    be happy.

    To have true friends

    have real friends.

    What holidays would you like?

    Table 2. What holidays to wish in English



    lit by candles


















    Unofficial congratulations

    Table 3 Informal congratulations in English

    Official congratulations

    It is appropriate to use these forms of congratulations either in a business conversation or in a letter - in postcards, for example.

    Table 4 Official congratulations in English

    Surprise expression

    Despite the different style of expression, almost all exclamations are translated as "really?"

    Table 5


    Praise is also a form of congratulations on a job well done. As you know, in Russian, praise is expressed by the word "well done." There are several more variations on this theme in English.

    Table 7 How to praise in English

    8 original congratulations in English

    There are some funny expressions in the English language that are used strictly in certain contexts. Let's look at them.

    Table 8 8 original English greetings


    When to use

    1. Congratulations!

    When you congratulate newlyweds, graduates, or just want to say “Congratulations!”


    This is the same as congratulations. But if you want to stand out from the crowd, then use this word.

    3. Hip, hip, hurrah!

    This is our “hip, hip, hurray!”, Which is used for enthusiastic congratulations.

    4. Three Cheers!

    Can be translated as "triple cheers". Usually after this expression comes the preposition for and what you congratulate or whom you congratulate, for example - three cheers for Tommy!

    This is the same as congratulations, but less formal. In a colloquial context, this expression will play into your hands. Get well wishes in English


    Table 11 Condolences in English

    We are all deeply shocked to hear of the sudden death of…and we would like to offer our deepest sympathy.

    We are deeply shocked by the news of the sudden death... and we want to express our deepest condolences.

    We are so sorry to hear about your loss.

    We are very sorry for your loss.

    I offer you my deepest condolences on this dark day.

    I express my sincere condolences to you on this tragic day.

    We were disturbed and saddened by the untimely death of your … .

    We were caught and saddened by the news of the untimely death of your...

    Please accept our deepest and most heartfelt condolences at this most challenging time.

    Please accept our deepest and most sincere condolences at this extremely difficult time.

    Our thoughts are with you and your family at this most difficult time of loss.

In order to say a couple of pleasant words, a person does not always need a reason. But still, in everyone's life there are events on which it is simply necessary to congratulate a family member, friend or colleague. It could be a national holiday, a birthday, a promotion, and many other good reasons to just say "Congratulations"!

In this article, we will tell you what congratulations are in English, give their translation and talk about how to congratulate a friend or colleague in English.

Any country has its own culture of congratulations, which was formed many years ago. According to etiquette, in the UK it is customary to congratulate not only on family and personal holidays (wedding, birthday, sports victories, etc.), but also on official ones (Mother's Day, etc.), including birthdays of members of the royal family, especially the Queen.

But it is customary to exchange congratulations and wishes for New Year and Easter. A special holiday spirit reigns during the Christmas days: then the wishes of "Merry Christmas" can be exchanged even with strangers, without forgetting to smile broadly.

In addition, according to etiquette, a congratulation, especially if it was sent by standard or e-mail, must be answered: thank the sender for the kind words and express your gratitude.

The word "congratulations" in English sounds like "congratulations". You can also find the option gratters, but it is used quite rarely.

In general, congratulations can be divided into official and unofficial. The first are sent by mail and have a formal business tone. These can be congratulations on the birthday of business partners, congratulations on the occasion of a promotion or marriage, and others. The second type of congratulations are those that we exchange with friends, relatives or loved ones. They can be written in simpler and more informal language.

For the most part, we use typical greetings, which will be discussed below. Such "blanks" will help you write any congratulatory letter or postcard.

The standard phrase with which you can start a congratulation is: “I congratulate you ...” (I congratulate you on ...). Next, substitute any occasion that you need: with marriage (marriage), on your promotion (with an increase), on buying a new car (with the purchase of a new car), etc.

Interestingly, to build a congratulatory phrase in English, a construction is sometimes used that we do not have in Russian. For example, the phrase "Congratulations and happy New Year!" should literally translate as "Congratulations and Happy New Year!", but we don't say that. And the English are talking. So "congratulations" is congratulations in the broadest sense of the word, and the phrase "My congratulations to you" is one of the most universal ways to say "congratulations" in English.

By the way, there are a few more special words for congratulations. The first is "greetings", which is used in the sense of "congratulations". So, the phrase "Christmas greetings to you!" you can wish Merry Christmas, and "Easter greetings to you" - Happy Easter. The second word is "wishes", which is used in the sense of "wishes". A common construction with this word is "warm wishes" ("warm wishes").

As for the address for congratulations, it can be anything and depends only on the degree of closeness of your relationship. We will formally address our business partners and colleagues: Mr. Brown, Mrs. Smith etc. But as for more personal relationships - the choice is yours. In this case, you can start congratulating your girlfriend as "Dear Mary" or "Dear Mary & John" if you are writing a wedding card.

Congratulations on the translation

To begin with, consider the universal phrases that can be used to say “congratulations” in English.

  • My congratulations to you on/upon… - Congratulations on…
  • May I offer you my congratulations on/upon... - Let me congratulate you on…
  • May I express my congratulations on/upon... / May I congratulate you on/upon… / Let me congratulate you on/upon... / Allow me to congratulate you on/upon... - Let me congratulate you on…
  • Please accept my congratulations on/upon...
  • Please accept my sincerest/ most sincere/ heartiest/ most heartfelt/ warmest congratulations… - Please accept my (most) sincere (heartfelt, hot, warm) congratulations.....
  • Congratulations! / Many congratulations! - Congratulations! / Happy Holidays!

More emotionally colored congratulations:

  • My heartiest congratulations on/upon… - Congratulations from the bottom of my heart...
  • With all my heart I congratulate you on/upon… - From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you...
  • My warmest/most heartfelt congratulations on/upon...
  • My warmest congratulations on/upon... - Warmest congratulations...
  • With all my heart I wish you... - With all my heart I wish you ...
  • On the occasion of... I wish you... - On the occasion... I wish you...
  • On this joyous day I wish you… - On this joyful day I wish you…

Happy Birthday

  • Happy birthday to you! - Happy birthday!

You can also say: Many happy returns!; Many happy returns of the day! or It's your birthday today. Congratulations!.

  • Best wishes for your birthday! - All the best on your birthday!
  • Congratulations for completing another trip around the sun! - Congratulations on completing another trip around the sun!

Birthday, in principle, is one of the most loyal holidays for congratulations, because, as a rule, family and friends gather nearby on this day. By the way, here are a few phrases that will help you give a gift to a friend or family member:

  • Here "s my little present - Here's my present for you.
  • And here "s my little gift - And this is my gift to you.
  • And this is for you - And this is for you.
  • I "d like you to have this - This is for you from me.
  • And here "s a little something to remember us / And this is a little memento from me - And this is for you from us as a keepsake / This is for you from me as a keepsake.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas

Perhaps these holidays are the most anticipated of the year. The same “Christmas spirit” reigns in the air, and miracles happen all the time. Therefore, probably, there are so many sincere wishes and good kind words for this time of year.

  • Happy New Year! - Happy New Year!
  • Congratulations and Happy New Year! - Happy New Year!
  • Merry Christmas! - Merry Christmas!
  • Merry Christmas and happy New Year! - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  • I wish you a happy New Year! - I wish you a Happy New Year!
  • I wish you a merry Christmas! - I wish you a Merry Christmas!
  • Love "N Joy On Christmas! - Love and joy at Christmas!
  • HeartfeltChristmas! - Hearty congratulations on Christmas!
  • Season "s greetings! - Happy Holidays! (Christmas only)

If you want to congratulate a person in an original way, “peep” the wish on the numerous postcards that are sold during the season.

  • Best wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! - Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  • Season's Greetings and best wishes for the New Year! - Congratulations on the holidays and wish you all the best in the new year!
  • Wishing you a joyous Holiday Season and a New Year filled with peace and happiness! - I wish you joyful holidays and a new year full of peace and happiness!
  • With warm and friendly wishes for a Merry Christmas and a bright and happy New Year! - Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  • Christmas greetings and all good wishes for your health and happiness in the coming year! - Christmas greetings and best wishes for health and happiness in the coming year!
  • Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a Very Happy New Year! - Best wishes for this beautiful holiday and Happy New Year!
  • Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year! - Good health, good luck and a lot of happiness during the year!

Other congratulations in English

Easter and other holidays:

  • Happy Easter! - Happy easter! (Christ is risen!)
  • Wishes for a bright and cheerful Easter! - I wish you a wonderful and joyful Easter!
  • Warm wishes for a wonderful Easter! - Warm wishes for a wonderful Easter!
  • happy st. Valentine's Day - Happy Valentine's Day!
  • Spooky Halloween! - Scary Halloween!
  • Happy St Patrick's Day - Happy St. Patrick's Day!
  • April Fools! - Happy April Fool's Day (Happy April 1st!)

For weddings and anniversaries:

  • Congratulations on your engagement! We "re looking forward to the big day - Congratulations on your engagement! We are looking forward to the big event.
  • Let me congratulate you on your marriage - I congratulate you on your marriage.
  • Best Wishes on Your Wedding Day! - With best wishes on your wedding day!
  • I've heard you got married. Congratulations! - I heard you got married. Congratulations!
  • I wish you a happy married life - I wish you a happy life together.
  • Congratulations to you both and much happiness on your wedding day. May your love shine warmly forever! - Congratulations to both of you and wish you much happiness on your wedding day. May your love warm you all your life!
  • It "s your wedding anniversary. Congratulations! / My congratulations on your wedding anniversary - Happy wedding anniversary!
  • Best wishes for your tenth anniversary! - All the best on your tenth anniversary!
  • Let me congratulate you on the birth of your child - Let me congratulate you on the birth of your child.

With successful completion of the case:

  • I hear you "ve defended your thesis. Congratulations! - I heard you defended your thesis! Congratulations!
  • You "ve finished school. Congratulations! - You graduated from school. Congratulations!
  • You are a student now. Congratulations! Well done! - With admission to the institute! Well done!
  • I hear you got your first pay. Congratulations! - With the first salary!

Simple Wishes:

  • Have a good time - I wish you a good time
  • Have a nice holiday - I wish you a good vacation
  • Have a nice trip - I wish you a pleasant trip
  • good luck! - Good luck!
  • I wish you every success! - I wish you every success!
  • Keep well! - Do not be ill
  • I wish you a speedy recovery - I wish you a speedy recovery
  • good riddance! - Good riddance! (joking remark)

The signature on the greeting card also shows how close you are to the recipient. Of course, you can’t write “xoxo” (hugs & kisses) to your boss. It is better to use the standard neutral signature "Sincerely yours / Yours sincerely / Yours truly / Yours faithfully" (Sincerely yours / With perfect respect). Also, you can write "Kind regards" (With sincere wishes) or "Best wishes, yours sincerely ..." (With best wishes, yours ...). How else can you end a congratulatory letter:

  • With lots of greetings, Your… - With best wishes, your…
  • All the best - All the best
  • Hugs and kisses / xoxo
  • With love / Love - With love
  • Take care of yourself! - Take care of yourself!
  • Be good! - Be a good girl!
  • I wish you well - May everything be fine with you
  • Keep your chin up! - Cheer up! Nose up!
  • Cheers, dear - All the best, dear
  • I really hope to see you soon - I hope to see you soon

Do not forget about the main attributes of any congratulation - a wide smile and sincerity, and everything will work out.

We hope that now you will not wonder how it will be in English “congratulations”, but will wish warm greetings to all your loved ones much more often.

Surely, every person who studies English language, faced a situation when it was necessary to congratulate someone on a solemn event, wish them success in work or some important matter, or just say a few nice words on their birthday. But, since very often this needs to be done as soon as possible or it is necessary to follow a certain structure of the letter of congratulations, we may not find / remember the right words, not be prepared for such a situation, or simply get confused.

If you're reading this this… Congratulations, you're alive. If that's not something to smile about, then I don't know what is...

If you're reading this... Congratulations, you're alive. And if that's not the reason to smile, then I don't know what is...

~ Chad Sugg, "Monsters Under Your Head"

If you are faced with what you need to write congratulation letter or you understand that this information will come in handy in the future, continue reading our article, because in it we will analyze the types of letters of congratulations, examples and subtleties in expressing wishes.

Examples of letters of congratulations in English: with translation

As you can see, congratulations can brighten up someone's day.

Basically, a congratulatory letter should be sent as soon as you become aware of solemn event. In this case, it is better not to hesitate, because a congratulation received with a delay will no longer have such a pleasant effect on the recipient as it could if it were sent immediately.

Different types of letters of congratulations have their own writing requirements, but a few common points can still be distinguished:

  • at the beginning of the letter, you must contact the recipient;
  • the letter should be moderately long and accurately address the necessary event;
  • do not talk about yourself in a letter, use words with a negative color or mention a past bad experience;
  • it is important to be as sincere as possible and wish without exaggeration, boasting and sarcasm.

And now, let's analyze each of the letters of congratulations in more detail.

Business letter of congratulation in English

In order to compose a successful business letter of congratulation, it is important to be literate, concise and polite. Such a letter must be etiquette rules and have the right structure. The main features of a business letter are:

  1. an indication of your name, position and company, the date of writing the letter;
  2. courtesy: Mr.(Surname) - Mr. Mrs.(Surname) - a married lady, Miss(Surname) - unmarried lady, Ms(Surname) - if the status of the lady is unknown. Also, you can use the call " Dear, (Last name)”, which means “dear”/“respected”. After the appeal, it is customary to put a comma or colon, the exclamation mark that we usually use is not needed;
  3. the text of your congratulations should be divided into paragraphs, but it is possible to write each sentence on a new line;
  4. farewell should contain steady polite phrases, such as “ Yours Faithfully, (Your name/surname)”, “ Respectfully Yours, (your name/surname)”, which means “ Sincerely yours..", or " Yours truly, (your name/surname)”/“ Yours Sincerely, (Your name / surname)”, which translates as “ Yours faithfully,...” / “Sincerely yours,....”.
  5. At the end of your letter of congratulations, you can add a signature.

Let's look at an example:

James Stockton,
The CEO, Cox Industry,
Date: 30/07/2018
john cooper,
the CEO,

Dear Mr Cooper,
My name is James Stockton and I work as a Chief Executive Officer of the Cox Industry. I am writing this letter to congratulate you on your company success that you got last month. As both of our companies work in the same stream, I know how difficult it is to achieve a success. I am here to appreciate You and Your employees on your combined success as employees are as important as we are to the company. By now I think you have a number of opportunities in your hands.
I wish you all the best for your future projects. We are looking forward to working with your company in the future.

With Regards,

James Stockton,
Directors of Cox Industry,
Date: 07/30/2018
John Cooper

Dear Mr Cooper,
My name is James Stockton and I am the CEO of Cox Industry. I am writing this letter to congratulate you on the success of your company in the past month. Since our companies operate in the same field, I know how difficult it is to achieve success. I congratulate you and your colleagues on your common cause, as employees are as important to the company as we are. And I think there are a number of opportunities open to you at the moment.

I wish you all the best in your projects. We look forward to future cooperation with your company.

Best regards, Mr. Stockton

Semi-formal letter of congratulations

A semi-formal letter of congratulations does not differ much from an official letter in terms of writing requirements, however, the position, mention of the place of work and signature can be omitted.

An example of a semi-formal greeting Translation
Dear Mr. cooper,
Congratulations on your new venture.
I "m so proud to have been your colleague at where I observed your sharp intellect and drive.
I have every confidence that You will succeed flying solo and that the Irvington Company will be a mover and shaker. You are a trendsetter and very brave to start this business innovation.
I "m looking forward to doing business with you.
respectfully yours,
James Stockton
Dear Mr Cooper,
Congratulations on your new business.
I am proud to be your colleague at (company name) where I have been able to observe your keen intellect and energy.
I am absolutely sure that you will succeed in your personal business and your company will be at the head of the business world. You are a trendsetter of novelty and very brave to start this business innovation.
I look forward to working with you.
James Stockton

Letter of congratulation to a friend in English

congratulation letter to a friend does not have strict writing requirements. It is enough just to contact a friend at the beginning of the letter, sincerely congratulate him and complete the congratulation with one of the standard phrases.

An example of congratulations to a friend Translation
Dear Jack,

I want to wish you happy birthday and hope you are doing well.
It had been a long time since we met, but I want you to know that I always remember this special day. You are a great friend, the one who I can rely on always. I really appreciate it. I want to wish you all the best: a lot of happiness, good luck in everything, success in your life in whatever you do.
May all your wishes come true.
Happy birthday once more and enjoy your day.
Miss you very much.
your friend,

Dear Jack,

I want to wish you a happy birthday and hope you are doing well.
It's been a long time since we last met, but I want you to know that I always remember this special day. You are a great friend and the one I can always rely on. I really appreciate it. I want to wish you all the very best: a lot of happiness, good luck in everything, success in life and in everything you do.
May all your dreams come true.
Happy birthday again and enjoy this day.
I miss you very much.
Your friend, John.

As we can see, the rules for writing official and friendly letters of congratulations do not differ significantly from the same letters in Russian. However, to write a good congratulation, you need to be familiar with special words and phrases that will help express our wishes as beautifully and correctly as possible.

Congratulations to partners in English: examples

Do not disappoint your friends, acquaintances and partners - do not forget to send them congratulatory letters.

Congratulations to partners are a kind of official and semi-official letters of congratulations. And as we said above, such letters should contain certain stable phrases that will help our congratulations look competent and businesslike.

Now we will analyze examples of such phrases with translation, which in the future will allow you to easily find the right words for your congratulations to your partners. *

Congratulatory letters to international partners

As useful phrases for congratulating partners, such as:

  • I'm so thrilled for your success!(I'm so excited about your success!)
  • Your business idea is a brilliant – in fact, I wish I created it myself!(Your business idea is excellent! In fact, I would like to create one myself!)
  • You have always been a leader and I have no doubt you'll lead this new venture to success.(You have always been a leader and I have no doubt that you will lead this new business to success!)
  • You "ve worked harder than anyone I know - if anyone deserves success, it" s you.(You've worked harder than anyone else I know. If anyone deserves success, it's you.)
  • Congratulations on achieving such a success!(Congratulations on achieving such success!)

A congratulatory letter might look like this:

An example of a formal greeting Translation
Michaels & Associates
2978 Modoc Alley
Boise ID 83702
Young & Ernst Accounting
558 Hardesty Street
Albany, NY 122
Dear partners,
It is our joy to congratulate you on achieving such a big success after opening a new accounting company!
You’ve always been leaders and we are sure that your new venture will bring you even more success and recognition.
We are thrilled for your prosperity and luck!
With best wishes
respectfully yours,
Michaels & Associates
2978 Modoc Alley
Boise ID 83702
Young & Ernst Accounting
558 Hardesty Street
Albany, NY 122
Dear partners,
We are pleased to congratulate you on achieving such great success after opening a new accounting company!
You have always been leaders and we are confident that your new business will bring you even more success and recognition.
We admire your prosperity and good luck!
With best wishes and regards,

Letter of congratulation in English on the success of the company

Useful phrases for congratulating the company on the success of the company can be such as:

  • Congratulations on opening your new office--you"ve chosen the perfect location.(Congratulations on the opening of your new office, you have chosen a great location!)
  • I admire your foresight in opening your new store; I expect business will be booming in no time!(I admire your foresight in opening a new store, and I expect that your business will not keep you waiting for a buzz!)
  • I admire your courage, persistence, and determination in pursuing this new and exciting path.(I admire your courage, perseverance and determination in starting this new and interesting path!)
  • I wish you all the success in the world as you embark on this new business.(I wish you worldwide success in developing this new business!)
  • I wish you prosperity!(I wish you prosperity!)
  • I look forward to seeing a multi-billion dollar company shortly.(I look forward to seeing you as soon as possible as a billion dollar company!)

Now let's see how it works with an example:

Congratulations example Translation
Michaels & Associates
2978 Modoc Alley
Boise ID 83702
Young & Ernst Accounting
558 Hardesty Street
Albany, NY 122
Dear Young & Ernst Accounting,
We are happy to congratulate you on your successful listing on the New York Stock Exchange last Friday. A listing on the New York Stock Exchange is not a very easy achievement, and it is only managed by a few. So, we admire your courage, persistence, and determination in pursuing this new and exciting path! This is indeed a great achievement for Young & Ernst Accounting Company as you are barely two years in the market, but your presence is undeniably strong.
We are extremely impressed and are proud of being associated with Young & Ernst Accounting Company.
We wish Young & Ernst all the success in the world!
Yours sincerely,
Michaels & Associates
Michaels & Associates
2978 Modoc Alley
Boise ID 83702
Young & Ernst Accounting
558 Hardesty Street
Albany, NY 122
Dear Young & Ernst Accounting,
We are happy to congratulate you on your successful listing on the New York Stock Exchange last Friday. This is not an easy achievement and it is not given to many. Therefore, we admire your courage, perseverance and determination in starting this new and interesting path! Young & Ernst Accounting Company, this is indeed a great achievement considering you've only been in the market for two years, but your presence is undeniably strong.
We are extremely impressed and proud to be your partners.

We wish Young & Ernst worldwide success!

Michaels & Associates

Letter of congratulations on the appointment

Useful phrases for congratulations on a new position can be such as:

  • Congratulations on getting a promotion!(Congratulations on getting a promotion!)
  • Congratulations on your efforts! You really deserve to be promoted!(Congratulations on your achievement! You really deserve a promotion!)
  • I enjoy working with you and I "m sure your drive and dedication will help you to become even more successful.(I enjoy working with you and I am sure that your energy and dedication will help you become even more successful!)
  • I "m so proud to have been your colleague at. You no doubt have the intellect and drive to now fly solo.(I am very proud to have been your colleague at (former firm name). No doubt you have the intelligence and energy to go into business on your own.)
  • I know this position has long been a dream of yours; congratulations on making it a reality.(I know this position has been a dream of yours for a long time, so congratulations on getting it.)
  • I anticipate seeing great things from you in the future.(I look forward to great things in your future!)
Congratulations example Translation
Dear John,
I recently heard the great news. Congratulations on being promoted from an associate consultant to a managing consultant!
Quite honestly, I saw this coming. Nobody deserves this promotion more than you. I know this position has long been a dream of yours, so congratulations on making it a reality!
I look forward to many more years of association with you and I "m sure your drive and dedication will help you to become even more successful!
If you want to celebrate it, just call me!
With best wishes
Dear John,
I recently heard great news. Congratulations on your promotion from Private to Managing Consultant!

To be honest, I have seen it happen. No one deserves this promotion more than you. I know that this position has been your dream for a long time, so congratulations on making it happen!
I look forward to many years of our cooperation and I am sure that your energy and dedication will help you become even more successful!

If you want to celebrate, just give me a call!
Best regards, Tom.

Examples of these useful phrases will help you congratulate partners and colleagues in a timely manner, as well as sound easy and sincere in your wishes.

Letter of congratulations on the holidays

Believe me, everyone will be pleased to receive a letter or postcard, congratulations on the holiday.

We usually use a holiday greeting letter to congratulate friends, colleagues and acquaintances on a solemn event in their lives. It can be a congratulation on a wedding, the birth of a child or a large-scale purchase, or perhaps just a happy new year, birthday or any other holiday.

In this section, we will discuss useful phrases and examples of how to write such congratulation letters, which can generally be both personal and professional, depending on the occasion and the relationship between sender and recipient.

Happy New Year letter in English

One of the most important and common holidays is the New Year. Good wishes on the eve of this day will help you maintain relationships with friends and colleagues, and show that you remember and care about them.

Useful phrases for such a letter of congratulations include:

  • The best regards by New Year and Christmas.(Best wishes for the New Year and Christmas!)
  • I hope that you are well and will have a good holiday at New Year and Happy Holiday Season.(I hope you are healthy and have a good New Year and holiday season!)
  • I congratulate and wish all the best!(Congratulations and best wishes!)
  • We hope that the coming year will bring you peace, good health and prosperity!(We hope that the coming year will bring you peace, health and prosperity!)
  • I wish you love, luck and success!(I wish you love, good luck and success!)
Congratulations example Translation
Dear Kate,
Let "s say goodbye to the great old year and greet the New Year with optimism and hope!
May this New Year give you 1000 more reasons to celebrate and remain happy!

I hope that the coming year will bring you peace, good health and prosperity!
New Year is the time to unfold new horizons and realize new dreams, so I wish you love, luck and success in 2019!
With best regards by New Year and Christmas,
love you.

Dear Kate,
Let's say goodbye to a wonderful old year and welcome the New Year with optimism and hope!
May this New Year give you thousands of reasons to celebrate and stay happy!
I hope the coming year brings you peace, good health and prosperity!
The New Year is a time to open new horizons and make dreams come true, so I wish you love, good luck and success in 2019!
Best wishes for the New Year and Christmas,
Love you.

Happy birthday letter sample

Birthday is a special holiday for any person. If you want to please a foreign relative, friend or colleague, a letter of congratulations will be a great option for this.

A birthday letter is an informal letter, so the tone of the greeting should be fun, light, and perhaps even jocular.

Examples of useful birthday phrases include:

  • I wish you Happy birthday and hope you'll have a great day!(I wish you a happy birthday and hope you have a great day!)
  • I hope that the coming year will bring you peace, good health, good cheer and prosperity!(I hope the coming year will bring you peace, good health, joy and prosperity!)
  • I wish I could be there with all your friends around you.(How I wish to be with all your friends next to you!)
  • Please know that I am with you in spirit on this happy and joyful day.(Please know that my soul is with you on this happy and joyful day!)
  • Count your life by smiles, not tears. Count your age by friends, not years. Happy birthday!(Count your life by smiles, not tears. Count your age by friends, not years. Happy birthday!)
  • A wish for you on your birthday, whatever you ask may you receive, whatever you seek may you find, whatever you wish may it be fulfilled on your birthday and always.(I wish you that everything that you ask - you get, everything that you are looking for - you find, and everything that you dream about - comes true on your birthday and always!)
  • I hope all your birthday wishes and dreams come true.(I hope all your birthday wishes and all your dreams come true!)
Congratulations example Translation
Hello Dear Jack!
I congratulate you on Happy birthday and hope you'll have a great day!

Unfortunately, distance plays its role, but I want you to know that I am with you in spirit on this happy and joyful day!
I wish whatever you ask may you receive, whatever you seek may you find, whatever you dream of may it be fulfilled on your birthday and always!
A million kisses for you, my dear!

Hello dear Jack!
Happy birthday to you and I hope you have a great day!
Unfortunately, distance plays a role, but I want you to know that my soul is next to you on this happy and joyful day!
I wish you that everything that you ask - you receive, everything that you are looking for - you find, and everything that you dream about - comes true on your birthday and always!
A million kisses to you, my dear!

Anniversary greeting letter

Every anniversary is a certain important stage in a person's life. Congratulations on this day will give even more strength and joy to move on. Your wishes can be very diverse, depending on whether you wish a happy birthday, wedding or work anniversary.

Useful phrases for congratulating on the anniversary can be:

  • Today I want to wish You much happiness and success on your Birthday Anniversary !!! Stay Cheerful!(Today I want to wish you a lot of happiness and success on your anniversary! Stay as cheerful as you are!)
  • There's only one thing I want to wish you: enjoy the moment. The time flies very fast and the only thing that remains is memories. Create the best memories this year. Happy birthday!(There is just one thing I want to wish you: enjoy the moment. Time flies very fast and all that remains are memories. Make the best memories this year. Happy anniversary!)
  • Wishing you all the happiness and love in the world and congratulations on your anniversary.(On your anniversary, I congratulate you and wish you as much happiness and love as possible.)
  • Sending you warm wishes on your anniversary; may you continue to grow older and happier together.(Sending you warm wishes on your anniversary, keep getting older and happier together.)
  • May you continue to be a wonderful husband and wife to each other. Wishing you nothing but happiness, love, and joy in the years ahead.(Keep being a wonderful husband and wife to each other. Wishing you happiness, love and joy for years to come.)
  • Wishing that you two will grow even closer together with each passing day. happy anniversary.(I wish that you become even closer to each other every day. Happy Anniversary / Anniversary!)
Congratulations example Translation
Dear Mark and Kate,
Our family congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
You've been together for 10 years already, but you stay in love and support each other as you have just met! So, we wish you to save such warm feelings between you and continue to be a wonderful husband and wife to each other!
Once again, we wish you another wonderful year of marriage together. May the love you have for one another continue to grow and blossom with each passing year.
with love,
the Smith.
Dear Mark and Kate,
Our family wishes you a Happy Wedding Anniversary!
You have been together for 10 years, but you are in love and support each other, as if you had just met! Therefore, we wish you to keep these warm feelings between you and continue to be a wonderful husband and wife for each other!
Once again, we congratulate you and wish you another wonderful year together. May the love you have for each other continue to grow and blossom with each passing year.
With love,
the Smith family.

Happy Easter

Easter is an equally important holiday and many people look forward to it as much as New Year's. Therefore, be sure that by congratulating an important person on this holiday, you will definitely show attention and definitely cheer up!

For your congratulations, phrases such as:

  • Congratulations! Sending you love and good wishes on Easter!(Congratulations! And sending you love and best wishes for Easter!)
  • Wish you a wonderful Easter and Happy spring!(I wish you a wonderful Easter and a happy spring!)
  • Wishing you and those you love, the miracle of new life and blessings from above!(I wish you and those you love a miracle and blessings from above!)
  • May your Easter celebration be bright and colorful!(May your Easter celebration be bright and interesting!)
  • Happy Easter! May you enjoy all the lovely gifts that springtime has to offer!(Happy Easter! Enjoy all the gifts spring has to offer!)
Congratulations example Translation
Dear Nick,
I know you've always loved Easter holiday just as much as I have! So I wish you a perfect day today!
May your Easter celebration be bright and colorful! I wish you and those you love, the miracle and blessings from above!

I hope you'll spend this day among your family and friends and I wish I could join you!
Once again, wish you a wonderful Easter and Happy spring!
your friend,

Dear Nick,
I know that you have always loved the Easter holiday as much as I do! So I wish you a great day today!
May your Easter celebration be bright and interesting! I wish you and those you love a miracle and blessings from above!
I hope you enjoy this day with family and friends and I would love to join you!
Once again, I congratulate you and wish you a wonderful Easter and a happy spring!
Your friend,

Do not lose the opportunity to congratulate important people on a solemn event, keep the above wishes for yourself and be sure that you will be able to make it pleasant and express your care and attention!

Wishes in English

Best wishes (all the best) - a universal congratulation when you can't think of anything else.

If you do not want to be limited to the above congratulations and would like to know a couple more interesting wishes, we will definitely analyze them now! In fact, there are a lot of wishes, you may not be able to remember everything, so do not be afraid to show your imagination.

Examples of wishes in English

Congratulations example Translation
This is a truly amazing time in your life and I wanted to send my thoughts and well wishes to you. Congratulations on your wonderful anniversary!

On this special day, may your life be renewed with crackles of laughter and the great feelings of affection; I wish you the best of your dreams! Happy Birthday!

Congratulations on getting engaged. May your lives together be filled with joyful brightness and plenty of love!

The wedding bells that ring today are in celebration of your love for each other. Wishing you a happy wedding and a wonderful life together in the future!

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby. Sending well wishes for health and happiness.

You are having a truly wonderful time right now and I want to send you my best thoughts and wishes! Congratulations on the anniversary!

On this special day, let your life be filled with laughter and feelings of love, I wish you the best of your wishes! Happy birthday!

Congratulations on your engagement! May your lives be filled with joy and a sea of ​​love!

Wedding bells are ringing today in honor of your love for each other. I wish you a happy wedding and a great life next to each other!

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby. I send you my best wishes for health and happiness!

Comic wishes in English

If you are close to the recipient, like to joke and therefore want to congratulate a friend in a comic form, the following wishes may come in handy:

  • Congrats on your special day! I wish you to have fun as much as you can, but remember, that you are in a vulnerable age…(Congratulations on your special day! Wish you have as much fun as you can, but remember that you are at a vulnerable age!)
  • Congratulations on still having most of your beautiful hair!(Congratulations you still have most of your beautiful hair!)
  • So, it's another birthday with you. Statistics prove that those who have earned more birthdays, have lived the longest life in the earth. Congratulations!(So ​​you have another birthday. Statistics prove that those who have the most birthdays live the longest. Congratulations!)
  • Hey, can you blow out all these candles by yourself or should I call our local fire department to help you in this regard.(Hey, can you blow out all the candles yourself or should I call the firemen to help you?)
  • Can you still remember those young, healthy and colorful days of our young age? It's always feels awesome when you can recall all those memories.(Do you still remember those young, healthy and bright days of your life? It's always cool when you can still remember those moments.)
Congratulations example Translation
Dear Nick,
There are plenty of years that I can remember for those history classes in our schools. But, the bad news is I can't remember your birth date as it wasn't on our course. Maybe I'm late, but happy birthday!
Any way I wish you all the best and hope you'll enjoy your birthday cake! But remember, too many candles on the cake means you are getting older too fast! So will you be able to blow all the candles by yourself or shall I call a fire department to help you?:)
Ok, that's enough jokes! Congrats on your special day! I wish you to have fun as much as you can, but remember that you are in a vulnerable age!
your friend,
Dear Nick,
There are many dates that I still remember from school history lessons. But the bad news is that I don't remember your date of birth because it wasn't known. So maybe I'm late, but happy birthday!

In any case, I wish you all the best and hope you enjoy your birthday cake! But remember, too many candles on the cake means you're aging too fast! So can you blow out the candles yourself or should I call the firemen to help you? :)
Okay, enough jokes! Congratulations on your special day! I wish you to have as much fun as you can, but remember that you are at a vulnerable age!

Your friend,

We hope that now you will definitely not miss the opportunity to congratulate important people on all kinds of holidays and these examples of wishes will definitely come in handy for you!

Instead of a conclusion

In this article, you learned the requirement and structure of formal and semi-formal letters of congratulations; how to congratulate a friend, colleague, work partners; what to wish on your birthday, New Year, Easter and Anniversary; and also how to congratulate the people closest to you in a comic form!

If you liked it or if you want to learn even more, join the study of English in and then you can easily come up with your own congratulations without the slightest difficulty! :)

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