The image of Childe Harold as the embodiment of the Byronic hero. Personality and general characteristics of J.

Lesson topic:Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Disappointment and loneliness of the hero

The purpose of the lesson: to give a general description of the plot, composition and genre of the poem "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage"; to show the tragedy of the hero's loneliness, the reason for his break with his homeland; form an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe romantic hero; improve the skills of analyzing the lyric-epic poem; help broaden the horizons of students

During the classes

  1. Organizing time

  2. Updating the basic knowledge of students
Frontal student survey:

  • historical prerequisites for the emergence of romanticismin Europe and Russia

  • what is romanticism? two directions of romanticism

  • defining signs of romanticism

  • features of a romantic hero

  • what is romantic duality?

  • name genres of romanticism

  • name the representatives of romanticism in literature

  • What are the literary works of romanticism

  • what did you learn about Byron?

  • Byron's most famous poem?

  1. Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson

  2. Working on the topic of the lesson

  1. Introductory speech of the teacher
Pilgrimage (from lat.palma- palm tree) - the pilgrimage of believers to worship holy places (for Christians - to Jerusalem and Rome, among Muslims - to Mecca). Named after the custom of Christian pilgrims to bring a palm branch from Palestine.

The title of the poem is ironic: Harold leaves his homeland not for a religious purpose, but in order to get rid of disappointment.

Childe is the title of a young nobleman who has not yet been knighted.
The hero of the poem is a disenchanted, satiated with life, a proud loner, an individualist who opposed himself to society. Harold, having passed the "labyrinth of vices", tasted the "horror of satiety", his native land awakened disgust in him.

Not wanting to change anything either in himself or in society, he leaves it. Longing makes him flee civilization.

Signs of the Byronic hero:

  • unusual fate;

  • bright, independent character;

  • discord with society and oneself.

  1. Class Quote Project
No English poet of the 19th century made such a deep impression on his contemporaries as Byron. His poems were eagerly read, memorized, quoted and vigorously discussed. His heroes were captivated by their uniqueness, courage, mystery, and everyone looked in them for a resemblance to the author himself. After the publication of the poem "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage", he really became the "ruler of thoughts" of his generation, not only in his homeland, but even more beyond its borders. In Russia, this poem was read by Zhukovsky, Batyushkov, Pushkin, Lermontov, Baratynsky.

The task: Read excerpts from Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, pick one you think is the most impressive (see appendix).

Quotes are distributed to each desk. Students read the quotes and choose one (the most impressive), write the number on a piece of paper (put a bird in the table). At the end of the work, we select the quote of the day and give reasons for our choice.

  1. Writing in workbooks
Composition of the work :

SongI- Harold's journey across Portugal and Spain (thoughts about wars in general, about wars of liberation).

SongII- a visit by the hero to Albania and Greece (an appeal to the Greek people to start the liberation struggle).

SongIII- a trip to Belgium (thinking about the revolution in France).

SongIVtravel across Italy.

  1. Working on the content of the SongI(verses 1-13) - drawing up a table

what do we learn about Harold?

stanza 2

A young man lived in Albion. Your century

He devoted only to idle amusements,

In an insane thirst for joy and neg

By debauchery, not disdaining the ugly,

Soul devoted to base temptations,

But equally alien to honor and shame,

He loved the diverse in the world,

Alas! only a series of short connections

Yes, drinking companions a cheerful horde.

how was his life by the age of 19?

(stanza 4)

Entering the nineteenth year,

Like a moth, he frolicked, fluttering,

Didn't think that the day would pass -

And the darkness of the night will blow cold.

But suddenly, in the prime of life in May,

The satiety spoke in him,

A fatal disease of the mind and heart,

And everything around seemed disgusting:

The homeland is the prison, the father's house is the grave.

his attitude to love?

(stanza 5)

He did not know the strict reproaches of conscience

And blindly walked the path of passions.

Loved one - deceived many with love,

Loved - and did not call her his.

his relationship to balls?

(stanza 8)

But often in splendor, in the noise of a crowded hall

Harold's face was anguished.

loneliness of the hero

(stanza 9)

And he was alone in the world. At least many

He generously watered at his table,

He knew them, the poor hangers-on,

Friends for an hour - he knew the price of them.

why is he going to wander?

(stanza 7)

And in a thirst for new places, Harold dashed off,

Leaving your venerable old home ...

what did you exchange for?

(stanza 11)

All that luxury pleases the revelry,

He traded for winds and fogs,

To the roar of the southern waves and barbaric countries.

what does he regret leaving home?

(verse 13, near the end of the verse)

I do not regret anything in the past

The stormy path is not terrible,

But it's a pity that, leaving the father's house,

I have no one to breathe for.

I trust the wind and the wave

I am alone in the world.

Who can remember me

Who could I remember?

  • Summarize the above and tell me, what is the reason for the hero's disappointment and melancholy, his break with his homeland?

  • does this break with society indicate that the work belongs to which literary direction?

  • prepare an oral story about Harold using the materials on the table

  1. Summarizing. Final words of the teacher
A break with society is a characteristic feature of the romantic hero. The conflict of the individual with the environment (even more - with the world) was supposed to emphasize, reveal, on the one hand, the hero's superiority over other people, and on the other, the severity of loneliness, which the world despised by him condemns and which he chooses for himself. Childe Harold has become a household name for the romantic hero - a young man, frustrated, dissatisfied, and lonely. He does not believe in sublime feelings or affection; in his opinion, there is neither true love nor true friendship. Childe Harold's frustration is due to his clash with society.

In the first two songs, we see the hero in Portugal, Spain, Albania and Greece - in the countries that Byron visited. Childe Harold longs for personal freedom and, not finding it in the surrounding world of "wealth and miserable poverty", dreams of loneliness. He avoids people, goes far into the mountains, listens to the lapping of the sea wave, he is admired by the raging elements. Only ordinary people, courageous and freedom-loving, attract Childe Harold.

Childe Harold is not satisfied with life, but his protest is passive: he reflects on the reasons for his dissatisfaction, but does not seek to intervene in life, to take part in the liberation struggle.

  1. Lesson summary

Appendix to the project "Quote of the Day" (excerpts from the poem "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage")

Rik writing – 1809-1818

Poemi theme- nationally-vis-à-vis the struggle of the European peoples. Likewise, the author opened those patriotism, blame the world.

To him, the heroes of the first song "Childe Harold's Palomination" become a hero - a fighter for the national freedom of the peoples of Spain, Greece and Albania.

The song "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" has become a new stage in creativity. Uni through the inner light of the character and the author, the hero of the old and new hours, and the tragic problems and problems are revealed. Appreciating the "high" style, appealing to the abstract and presenting images, Byron put on her own singing of such a particularly sensitive tone, so that a lot of people thought to look like a part of an all-sacred process.

We eat the form of a podorozhniy schodennik, which can be written in two individuals: the author himself and the hero. The hero eat the song of the first rows of the biographical character of the age, the author, and before the end, eat the distance between them, mayzhe znika.

The pragmatic perception of people, the dissatisfaction with the action, the magic of one's spiritual power and strength - these are the pilgrimages of Childe Harold, like the bully close to Byron himself.

Harold's rosary and troubles do not lie in his wry vanity, family conflicts, unhappy cohannes and special motives, as I play a role in the middle of literature. The hero of Byron did not disdain to struggle with suspense, but his inactivity and watching is not a position of passivity. The head of rice is Childe Harold as an artistic image - its incompleteness, the hero of the cry is to imagine the moment of awakening the self-consciousness of people in the new hour, as to begin to see on their own in the light, that I think of the inheritance of the historical tragedy

Byron put nutrition about the causes of suspicious vadas, national fallout, contemplated on the rubbing and mysteriousness of the historical process, altogether turning unhappy with himself and developing over the meanings of his creativity.

The image of Childe Harold in the literature is like the image of a new hero, whom the literature did not know before. In the new interest in the nature of the rice, the sanctified part of the young generation, add romanticism. Byron himself, declaring that he wanted to show his hero "like that, like it is" now and in the dawn of reality, I want "I would like to take it and, singingly, it’s easier to imagine a more attractive person”.

Who is this "pilgrim" Childe Harold?

“There was a young man living in Albion. Your century

He devoted only to idle entertainment

In an insane thirst for joys and neg ... "

Harold is the site of the old and old family (Childe is the ancient naming of the noble camp). Zdavalosya b, vіn mav buti of gratification of lives and happiness. Ale zenatska, "at the root of the living grass", winned with a "wondrous" ailment:

"The satiety began to speak in him,

A fatal disease of the mind and heart,

And everything around seemed disgusting:

The homeland is the prison, the father's house is the grave ... "

Harold, like Byron himself, wandering in a strange, unseen land, win zhada zmin, nebezpek, drill, fit - whatever is good, abi drink from the one that is shabby:

"Inheritance, home, family estates

Lovely ladies, whose laughter he loved so much ...

He traded for winds and fogs,

To the roar of the southern waves and barbaric countries. "

See for yourself as such, who was born under the "infamous glory" and, having lost the hope of seeing me, I am glad to be able to dream in him, Harold has nineteen rocky in his own way in the world, I could never have forgotten about forgetting. Znevira rose yogo soul and transfer of the hero, de b vin not buv, "and in the heart of my heart I am not calm."

Harold's position is a total irony, like behind the masks of nobility, I see a dullness, and behind the lofty words, I am emptying sense, which has become a chronic ailment of the era, if it has been absorbed in the sight of a change of heart. In Spain, passing through the fields of "mournful glory", I have lost the memory of the Napoleon's opiate, to visit Greece, who are "for the last time wandering the blue of Freedom" dear land, experiencing only slightly more difficult for the new one - baiduzhism.

New world, new country is acting to show your eyes on your life, on the outside of your countrymen and on the far away from your colorful life. In Spain, Harold is no longer the same svitsky dandy, as we eat descriptions on the cob. Great is the drama of the Hispanic people, zealous to vibrate with "cover with a grave", reminiscent of a trivial rose, but angry at the heart. For example, pershoi pisni - the tse of a frown, anger at the sight of a lyudin. Yogo obtyazhu all manner of life of aristocratic suspension, I do not know the wickedness in life, I am not self-conscious and enchanting, and I am invariably awful. Such a hero is not English, nor is the European literature known yet.

However, the other song, having settled down in the mountains of Albania, Harold, hoch, like and earlier, “without a bazhan, without turbots,” ale to the friendly inflow of the great nature of the country and the people - the proud, voluptuous Albanian highlanders. The hero of the dedal often has a chuinism, a heart-warming nobility, a little less in the new dissatisfaction with tightness. The soul of misanthrope Harold has begun nibi viduhuvati. Ale tse of Oman. You need a lot of sorrow and take away in your soul.

Pislya Albania and Grecia Harold to turn to Batkivshchyna and turn around at the "vikhor svitskoy modi", at the "tovkuchku hall, de suta boil." For the first time, I will start by sending the message to the great saint marnoti, and wishing to help a friend: Belgium, Nimechchina, Switzerland, Italy ...

At the moment when the friend of "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" came out, the readers depicted the hero from the author himself; It is true that the author of that hero is even more sophisticated than the biography. However, the spiritual image of Byron himself, like the image of the author of the song "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage", is imperceptibly rich and foldable, not the image of the character he created. already in the middle of going to ten. “In the last picture, the pilgrim appears to be earlier, lower in the front, and because of that, it’s the author’s view of the author, who speaks here in a special way,” Byron said.

Childe Harold is a talented, gliboka, whoever is even more articulate than a man, who is enchanting with his aristocratic middle-class, living all over the place, fiercely shukking new ideals. The whole image has become a non-bartender to the "Byron" hero in the literature of the Bagatokh region of Europe in the era of romanticism.

The hero of Byron sees "the sorrow of light", to that, the burning of life, they can force, prikhovani in people, not to think of a fruitful stampede. Harold Palko і іѕ thаt іn thе reality, аlе tο oppress yo. I have rebelled against all light, having the right to internal and individual freedom, in front of the freedom of the sentiments.

Poema Byron is a whole artistic tvir, in a real world and a self-portrait from a vygadkoyu. A good chance to find a place to see the character Childe Harold and we sing along with the head idea. It is also not a vague name for the creator to take revenge on the path of the hero, on his behavior and to bring him up to that middle, in which the growth and temptations of the last hour of life. The reader is overtaken analytically, by the image of Childe Harold, the author himself is all partly, more glibly and more easy-going vistupaє as an analyst, as a commentator, who appreciate the role of the hero we eat... The first order of two characters in front of us opens up another ruin the power of the wizardry: The author has made the objective reality of Europe, which appears in a contrasting image, in contrast to the glorious past that hateful passion, like, on the author's thought, I was remixed... We eat such a Trisharov composition of that lyro-epic nature, a sparse image of the author in them, either getting angry with the new light, or setting himself up or prototyping an active reality. The first smut in Childe Harold's Pilgrimage.

Byron's talk about Childe Harold's “pilgrimage” was transformed into a simple document of the era of one of the most beautiful stories in the history of romanticism.

The most famous of Byron's poems is Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. The poem was created in parts. Her first two songs were written during Byron's travels to Portugal, Spain, Albania, Greece (1809-1811). The third canto is on the shores of Lake Geneva after the final departure from England (1816), the fourth canto was completed already in Italy in 1817.

All four songs are united by one hero. The image of Childe Harold entered world literature as the image of a completely new hero, whom literature has not yet known. It embodies the most characteristic features of the enlightened part of the younger generation of the era of romanticism. Byron himself stated that he wanted to show his hero "as he is" at this time and in this reality, although "it would be nicer and probably easier to portray a more attractive face."

Who is the "pilgrim" Childe Harold? Already at the beginning of the poem, the author introduces his hero:

A young man lived in Albion. He devoted his age only to idle amusements In an insane thirst for joy and neglect ...

This is the offspring of an ancient and once glorious family (Childe is the old name for a young man of the noble class). It would seem that he should be satisfied with life and happy. But unexpectedly for himself, "in the prime of life in May" he falls ill with a "strange" disease:

Satiety spoke in him, A fatal disease of the mind and heart, And everything seemed disgusting around: Prison - homeland, grave - father's house ...

Harold rushes to foreign, unknown lands to him, he longs for changes, dangers, storms, adventure - whatever, just to get away from what he is sick of:

Inheritance, home, family estates, Lovely ladies, whose laughter he loved so much ... He traded for winds and fogs, For the roar of southern waves and barbaric countries.

The new world, new countries are gradually opening his eyes to a different life, full of suffering and calamity and so far from his previous secular life. In Spain, Harold is no longer the secular dandy that he was described at the beginning of the poem. The great drama of the Spanish people, forced to choose between "obedience or the grave," fills them with anxiety, hardens the heart. At the end of the first song, this is a gloomy man, disillusioned with the world. He is burdened by the whole way of life of an aristocratic society, he does not find meaning either in the earthly or in the afterlife, he rushes about and suffers. Neither English nor European literature has ever known such a hero.

However, already in the second chapter, finding himself in the mountains of Albania, Harold, although still "alien, careless", but already succumbed to the beneficial influence of the majestic nature of this country and its people - the proud, brave and freedom-loving Albanian highlanders. In the hero, responsiveness, spiritual nobility are increasingly manifested, there is less and less dissatisfaction and melancholy in him. The soul of the misanthrope Harold begins to recover, as it were.

After Albania and Greece, Harold returns to his homeland and once again plunges into the "whirlwind of secular fashion", into the "flea market, where vanity boils," He again begins to be haunted by the desire to escape from this world of empty vanity and aristocratic arrogance. But now "his goal is ... more worthy than then." Now he knows for sure that "among the desert mountains are his friends." And he "takes the pilgrim's staff again" ... Material from the site

Since the appearance of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage in print, readers have identified the hero of the poem with the author himself, although Byron vehemently objected to this, insisting that the hero is fictional. Indeed, the author and his hero have a lot in common, even in their biography. However, Byron's spirituality is immeasurably richer and more complex than the character he created. And nevertheless, it was not possible to draw the "line" desired by the poet between him and his hero, and in the fourth song of the poem Childe Harold is no longer mentioned at all. "In the last song, the pilgrim appears less often than in the previous ones, and therefore he is less separable from the author, who speaks here on his own behalf," admitted Byron.

Childe Harold is a sincere, deep, albeit very contradictory person who has become disillusioned with the "light", in his aristocratic environment, runs away from it, passionately searches for new ideals. This image soon became the embodiment of the "Byronic" hero in the literature of many European countries during the era of romanticism.

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On this page material on topics:

  • how the character of Byron's hero is revealed
  • characterization of harold in the first song
  • quotes for characterizing harold
  • characteristics of the main character Childe Harold
  • how the poem Childe Harold's pilgrimage was created

The most famous and large-scale work of the English romantic poet George Byron, the poem "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" was created over a long time - the process of writing it stretched for almost a decade - from 1809 to 1818. The idea of ​​writing a novel, innovative in content, arose from the poet during a trip abroad: Byron decided to convey in the poem his personal perception of what he saw during his travels across Europe.

Lyro-epic poem including four songs, created in the form of a lyric diary, in which the poet expressed his attitude to his contemporary era and gave his own assessment of social conflicts in European countries.

The central theme of the poem- the national liberation struggle of the peoples of Europe - and the appeal to large-scale events of our time determined the high civic pathos of the poem. The theme of patriotism is closely intertwined with the main theme. The main idea of ​​the work is the idea of ​​the regularity of revolutionary events and popular actions against tyranny. It is no coincidence that a cross-cutting image of time passes through the entire poem as a symbol of just retribution.

The main character of the poem, jaded with life at less than nineteen years old, Childe Harold is the son of his era. In this generalized image, Byron embodied the features, attitudes and disappointments of a whole generation, who saw only the end of the era of great revolutionary upheavals and the Napoleonic wars. Characteristics of the new romantic hero- the ability for reflection and introspection, a break with a hypocritical society, a deep inner conflict of the individual with the world.

Childe Harold plays in the poem the role of a conductor of the views and beliefs of the poet himself. At the same time, the hero cannot be identified with Byron: despite the closeness of Childe's image to the author (the coincidence of the facts of the biography, the feeling of loneliness and flight from high society), the poet is not satisfied with the passivity of the hero's position. Childe-Harold analyzes personal experiences caused by conflict with society, but does not fight against existing foundations, only observes the troubled state of the world.

Development of the plot connected with the wanderings of the protagonist, however, the event plot is weak, and the hero is gradually pushed into the background by dramatic historical events, which the author himself witnessed. The poet confesses that he has lost a hero ( "He missed something and does not go"), and the image of the main character is supplanted in the third or fourth songs by the author's lyrical digressions-reflections.

The first and second songs were written during Byron's journey through the Pyrenees of the Balkans. In them, the author raises the topic of popular uprisings, describing the struggle of the Spanish people against the Napoleonic invasion and narrating about the enslaved position of the Albanians under the Turkish yoke and the Greeks. Passionately branding the colonialist policies of England, Byron calls on the Hellenes to fight: “Oh, Greece! Rise to fight! ".The image of a people fighting against enslavement occupies an important place in the poem, and the very content of this struggle is expressed through the emotional assessments of the author.

The third (1816) and fourth (1818) songs of the poem were written during the period when Byron left England and lived in Italy and Switzerland. In the third song, Byron expresses his attitude to the central event of the entire era - the French Revolution. Speaking about the titans of thought, Voltaire and Rousseau, who with their views prepared the ground for the revolution, the poet expresses his deep conviction that the proclaimed ideals of the revolution must triumph everywhere.

The fourth song is dedicated to the image of the suffering of the Italian people, groaning from feudal fragmentation and the Austrian yoke. The poet expresses the idea of ​​the struggle for freedom in the image of the sea - a recalcitrant free element.

Political by content poem It organically combines the travel diary of Byron himself, sharp political satire and deep lyricism in describing the emotional experiences of the hero and the poet.

The poem is written in multicolored verse - Spencer stanza, comprising eight lines of iambic pentameter and one line written in iambic six-foot. The first two songs reflect the folklore motives of the Greek and Spanish peoples.

"An enthusiastic blasphemer of the universe," Byron proclaims in his poem a declaration of romantic mood, passionately expressing hatred of tyranny and a thirst for political freedom.

Naivedom with Byron's Song - Childe Harold's Pilgrimage. Poems are not a misnomer. The first two and the second written boules were written before the hour of Byron's journey to Portugal, Spain, Albania, Greece (1809-1811). The third song - on the birch of Lake Geneva, for a residual journey from England (1816), the fourth was completed already in Italy in 1817.

Two first songs eat the boules published on the 29th of the fierce 1812 rock and immediately won the hearts of the readers. “I threw one wonderful wound and became famous,” said Byron.

Try to learn about one hero. The image of Childe Harold in the literature is like the image of a new hero, whom the literature did not know before. At the new level of involvement in the nature of the rice, the sanctified part of the young generation of the era of romanticism. Byron himself, declaring that he wanted to show his hero "like that, like it is" now and in the dawn of reality, I want "I would like to take it and, singingly, it’s easier to imagine a more attractive person”.

Who is this "pilgrim" Childe Harold? Already on the cob, eat the author presents his hero:

A young man lived in Albion. Your century

He devoted only to idle entertainment

In an insane thirst for joy and neg ...

Tse of the sites of the old і kolis glorious family (Childe - the old-time naming of the Yunak of the gentry camp). Zdavalosya b, vіn mav buti of gratification of lives and happiness. Ale zenatska, "at the root of the living grass", winned with a "wondrous" ailment:

The satiety spoke in him,

A fatal disease of the mind and heart,

And everything around seemed disgusting:

The homeland is the prison, the father's house is the grave ...

Harold wandering in a foreign, unavailable land, win zhada zmin, nebezpek, drill, fit - whatever is good, abi drink from that which is shabby:

Inheritance, home, family estates

Lovely ladies, whose laughter he loved so much ...
He traded for winds and fogs,

To the roar of the southern waves and barbaric countries.

New world, new country is acting to show your eyes on your life, on the outside of your countrymen and on the far away from your colorful life. In Spain, Harold is no longer the same svitsky dandy, as we eat descriptions on the cob. Great is the drama of the Hispanic people, who are zealous to vibrate with their "cover with a grave", reminding them of a trivial, but angry heart. For example, pershoi pisni - the tse of a frown, anger at the sight of a lyudin. Yogo obtyazhu all manner of life of the aristocratic suspension, I do not know the wolf in the earthly, nor in the life beyond the grave, in the mosque and the world. Such a hero is not English, nor is the European literature known yet.

However, in another place, having settled down in the mountains of Albania, Harold, hoch, like and earlier, "without a bazhan, without turbots", altogether will be welcomed by the friendly infusion of the great nature of the country of the land and the people - proud, loving and bitter Albanians. The hero of the dedal is often chuynist, generous nobleness, dedal is less in new dissatisfaction and tightness. The soul of misanthrope Harold has begun nibi viduhuvati.

Pislya Albania and Grecia Harold to turn to Batkivshchyna and once again< і ься у «вихор світської моди», у «товкучку зал, де суєта кипить». Його знову починає переслідувати бажання бігти від цього світу порожньої суєти й аристокра-гичного чванства. Але зараз «ціль його… більш гідна, ніж тоді». Тепер він точно її ніс, що «серед пустельних гір його друзі». І він «знову бере посох пілігрима»…

At the moment when the friend of "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" walks in, the readers will be able to identify, and eat the hero from the author himself, if Byron has categorically forgotten the tse, napolyagayuchi on the one who is the hero - the fortune-telling. It is true that the author of that hero is a puddle of rich spilny, see the biography. However, the spiritual image of Byron is not-і, worldly rich і foldable, below the character set by him. Protect the bazhano "line" and sing that the heroes do not go far, and in the fourth song Childe Harold doesn’t get lost. “In the last pisni piligrim, it appears earlier, lower in the front, and because of that, it’s the author’s view of the author, so it’s possible to speak here in a special way,” Byron said.

Childe Harold is a talented, glib, I want and even super-articulate lyudin, who was enchanting at his aristocratic middle-class, living in a new, hot shukak of new ideals. The whole image has become a non-bartender to the "Byron" hero in the literature of the Bagatokh region of Europe in the era of romanticism.