Bazarov in the face of death (episode analysis). Evgeny Bazarov in the face of love and death Bazarov in the face of death brief

The novel "Fathers and Sons" by I.S. Turgenev ends up with the death of the main character. Understanding the reasons why the author ends his work in this way is possible through the analysis of the episode “Bazarov's death”. Fathers and Sons is a novel in which the death of the protagonist is certainly no coincidence. Perhaps this ending speaks of the inconsistency and beliefs of this character. So, let's try to figure it out.

Who is Bazarov?

An analysis of the episode of Bazarov's death is impossible without understanding what this character is. Thanks to what is told about Eugene in the novel, we imagine an intelligent, self-confident, cynical young man who denies generally accepted moral principles and ideals. He considers love to be "physiology", in his opinion, a person should not depend on anyone.

Subsequently, however, Turgenev reveals to us in his hero qualities such as sensitivity, kindness, the ability to deep feelings.

Bazarov is a nihilist, that is, a person who denies all generally accepted values, including he does not share the enthusiasm of amateurs.In his opinion, only that which brings practical benefit is significant. He considers everything beautiful to be meaningless. His main Eugene means "work for the benefit of society." His task is "to live for the great goal of renewing the world."

Attitude towards others

An analysis of the episode of Bazarov's death in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" cannot be carried out without understanding how the protagonist's relations with the people who made up his social circle were built. It should be noted that Bazarov treated others with contempt, he put others lower than himself. This was manifested, for example, in the things he said to Arkady about himself and his relatives. Affection, sympathy, tenderness - all these feelings Eugene considers unacceptable.

Lyubov Bazarova

An analysis of the episode of Bazarov's death requires mentioning that, with all his disregard for lofty feelings, he, ironically, falls in love. His love is unusually deep, as evidenced by an explanation with Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. Realizing that he is capable of such a feeling, Bazarov ceases to treat him as physiology. He begins to consider the existence of love possible. Such a change of views could not pass without leaving a trace for Eugene, who lived with the ideas of nihilism. His old life has been destroyed.

Bazarov's explanation of love is not just words, it is an admission of his own defeat. Eugene's nihilistic theories are shattered.

Turgenev considers it inappropriate to end the novel with a change in the views of the protagonist, and decides to end the work with his death.

Is Bazarov's death an accident?

So, in the finale of the novel, the main event is the death of Bazarov. The analysis of the episode requires remembering the reason why, according to the text of the work, the main character dies.

His life becomes impossible due to an unfortunate accident - a small cut, which Bazarov received when opening the body of a peasant who died of typhus. Ironically, he, a doctor engaged in useful work, cannot do anything to save his life. The realization that he was going to die gave the main character time to evaluate his achievements. Bazarov, aware of the inevitability of his death, is calm and strong, although, of course, being a young and energetic person, he regrets that there is so little left to live.

Bazarov's attitude to death and to himself

An analysis of the episode of Bazarov's death is impossible without a deeper understanding of how the hero relates to the proximity of his end and death in general.

Not a single person can calmly realize the approach of the end of his life. Eugene, being a person who is certainly strong and self-confident, is no exception. He regrets that he did not fulfill his main task. He understands the power of death and speaks of the approaching last minutes with bitter irony: "Yes, go, try to deny death. She denies you, and that's it!"

So, the death of Bazarov is approaching. The analysis of the episode, which is one of the key in the novel, needs an understanding of how the character of the protagonist has changed. Eugene is becoming kinder and more sentimental. He wants to meet with his beloved, once again talk about his feelings. Bazarov is softer than before, treats parents, now understanding their importance.

An analysis of the episode of Bazarov's death shows how lonely the main character of the work is. He does not have a close person to whom he could convey his beliefs, therefore, there is no future for his views.

Understanding true values

In the face of death, they change. An understanding comes of what is really important in life.

An analysis of the episode "Bazarov's death" based on the novel by Ivan Turgenev requires an understanding of what values \u200b\u200bthe protagonist now considers to be true.

The most important thing for him now is his parents, their love for him, as well as his feelings for Madame Odintsova. He wants to say goodbye to her, and Anna, not afraid to get infected, comes to Eugene. Bazarov shares his innermost thoughts with her. He comes to the understanding that Russia does not need it at all, it needs those who do their usual work every day.

Bazarov finds it harder to come to terms with his death than any other person, because he is an atheist and does not believe in life after death.

Turgenev ends his novel with the death of Bazarov. The principles by which the hero lived are destroyed. Bazarov did not have any stronger, new ideals. Turgenev notes that it was the deep adherence to nihilism that killed the protagonist, which forced him to abandon the universal values \u200b\u200bthat allow him to live in this world.

The protagonist of Ivan Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" - Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov - dies in the finale of the work.

We can say that Bazarov treated others with a solid share of condescension and even contempt, putting them below himself, considers the manifestation of such feelings as sympathy, mutual understanding, affection, tenderness, sympathy unacceptable.

But life brings its own adjustments to his worldview. Fate brings Eugene together with a smart, beautiful, calm and surprisingly unhappy woman, with Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. Bazarov falls in love, and having fallen in love, he realizes that his beliefs are at odds with the simple truths of life. Love appears before him not as “physiology”, but as a real, sincere feeling. For Bazarov, who lives and “breathes” his nihilism, this insight cannot pass without a trace. Together with the destruction of beliefs, his whole life collapses, losing its meaning. Turgenev could show how Bazarov would gradually abandon his views, he did not do this, but simply “killed” his protagonist.

The death of Bazarov is an annoying and stupid accident. It was the result of a small cut he received while opening the body of a peasant who had died of typhus. The hero's death was not sudden: on the contrary, it gave Bazarov time, an opportunity to evaluate what had been done and to realize the dimensions of the unfulfilled. In the face of death, Bazarov is staunch, strong, unusually calm and imperturbable. Thanks to the author's description of the hero's state, we feel respect for Bazarov, not pity. And at the same time, we constantly remember that we are facing an ordinary person with his inherent weaknesses.

No one can calmly perceive the approach of the end, and Eugene, despite all his self-confidence, is not able to treat this with complete indifference. He regrets his unspent strength, the unfulfilled task. The “giant”, whom Bazarov always considered himself to be, cannot oppose anything to death: “Yes, go, try to deny death. She denies you, and that's it! ”. Behind the hero's irony, one can clearly see a bitter regret about the passing minutes.

Eugene in the last days of his life becomes kinder, more tender. He longs for a meeting with his beloved woman in order to once again confess his love to her. He becomes softer with his parents, in the depths of his soul, probably still realizing that they have always occupied a significant place in his life and deserve a much more attentive and sincere attitude.

The reader understands that Bazarov has no one to convey that little, but the most precious thing he has - his convictions. He has no close and dear person, and therefore, no future. He does not think of himself as a district doctor, but he also cannot be reborn, become like Arkady. He has no place in Russia, and perhaps abroad, too. Bazarov dies, and with him dies his genius, his wonderful, strong character, his ideas and convictions. But true life is endless, flowers on the grave of Eugene confirm this. Life is endless, but only true ...

End of work -

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Let's turn to the last pages of the novel. How do the last pages of the novel feel?

(A feeling of pity that such a person is dying. A. P. Chekhov wrote: "My God! What a luxury, Fathers and Sons! Just shout the guard. Bazarov's illness was made so strong that I became weak, and it felt like as if I got infected from him. And the end of Bazarov? That the devil knows how it was done (Read excerpts from chapter 27).

What do you think Pisarev meant when he wrote: "To die the way Bazarov died is the same as doing a great feat"?

(At this moment, Bazarov's willpower and courage manifested itself. Feeling the inevitability of the end, he did not coward, did not try to deceive himself, and most importantly, remained true to himself and his convictions. Bazarov's death is heroic, but attracts not only Bazarov's heroism, but also the humanity of his behavior ).

Why is Bazarov getting closer to us before his death?

(The romance was vividly revealed in him, he finally uttered the words that he had feared before: "I love you! Goodbye ... after all, I didn't kiss you then ... Blow on the dying lamp and let it go out ..." Bazarov becomes more human .)

Why, then, does Turgenev end the novel with a scene of the hero's death, despite his superiority over other heroes?

(Bazarov dies from an accidental cut of his finger, but his death, from the author's point of view, is natural. Turgenev will define Bazarov's figure as tragic and “doomed to death.” That is why he “killed” the hero. Two reasons: loneliness and inner conflict of the hero.

The author shows how Bazarov remains alone. The first to fall away were the Kirsanovs, then the Odintsovs, then the parents, Fenechka, Arkady, and the last cutoff of Bazarov from the people. New people appear lonely compared to the vast mass of the rest of society. Bazarov is a representative of an early revolutionary, a commoner, he is one of the first in this matter, and the first is always difficult. They are alone in the small-scale and urban noble environment.

But Bazarov dies, but like-minded people remain who will continue the common cause. Turgenev did not show Bazarov's associates and thereby deprived his business of prospects. Bazarov does not have a positive program, he only denies, since Bazarov cannot answer the question: "What next?" What to do after being destroyed? This is the futility of the novel. This is the main reason for the death of Bazarov in the novel, the main reason that the author was unable to outline the future.

The second reason is the hero's inner conflict. Turgenev believes that Bazarov died because he became a romantic, since he did not believe in the possibility of a harmonious combination of romance and the strength of a civic spirit in new people. That is why Turgenev's Bazarov wins as a fighter, as long as there is no romance in him, no sublime feeling for nature, female beauty.)

(Turgenev was very fond of Bazarov and repeated many times that Bazarov was a “clever girl” and a “hero.” Turgenev wanted the reader to fall in love with Bazarov (but by no means Bazarovism) with all his rudeness, heartlessness, ruthless dryness.)

III. Teacher's word

Literary critics have repeatedly named the lack of solid ground under their feet as the main cause of Bazarov's death. In support of this, his conversation with a peasant was cited, in which Bazarov turns out to be "something like a pea jester." However, what Turgenev sees as the doom of his hero is not limited to Bazar's inability to find a common language with the peasant. Is the tragic death phrase of Bazarov: "... Russia needs me ... No, apparently, it is not needed ..." - can be explained by the above reason? And most importantly, "the hero's story is included in the general theme of the writer of the death of a person in the crucible of natural forces beyond his control", "elemental forces - passion and death."

Turgenev did not put up with the metaphysical insignificance of man. It was his unceasing pain, growing out of the realization of the tragedy of human fate. But he seeks support for a person and finds it in the "dignity of the consciousness of his insignificance." That is why his Bazarov is convinced that in the face of a blind force that destroys everything, it is important to remain strong, as he was in life.

It is painful for the dying Bazarov to recognize himself as a "half-crushed worm", to be an "ugly sight". However, the fact that he managed to achieve a lot on his way, managed to touch the absolute values \u200b\u200bof human existence, gives him the strength to face death with dignity, to live with dignity until the moment of unconsciousness.

The poet is talking to Anna Sergeevna, who, completing his earthly journey, found for himself the most accurate image - the “dying lamp”, whose light symbolized Bazarov's life. Always despising a beautiful phrase, now he can afford it: "Blow on the dying lamp and let it go out ..."

On the brink of death, Turgenev's hero, as it were, draws a line under his disputes with Pavel Petrovich about whether such, as Kirsanov ironically noted, are needed “saviors, heroes” of Russia. "Does Russia need me?" - asks himself Bazarov, one of the "deliverers", and does not hesitate to answer: "No, apparently, it is not needed." Maybe he was aware of this while arguing with Pavel Kirsanov?

Thus, death gave Bazarov the right to be what, perhaps, he always was - doubting, not afraid to be weak, sublime, able to love ... Bazarov's uniqueness lies in the fact that through the whole novel he will go through in many ways a different person and Thus he will doom himself to the only possible, fatal, tragic - Bazarov - fate.

However, Turgenev ended his novel with an enlightened picture of a quiet rural cemetery, where Bazarov's “passionate, sinful, rebellious heart” rested and where “from a nearby village, two already decrepit old men often come - a husband and wife” - Bazarov's parents.

literature lesson in grade 10

“Bazarov in the face of death ...

(based on the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons") "

Lesson objectives:


    to consolidate and systematize the knowledge of students of creativity I.S. Turgenev;

    to reveal the conflict of the hero with the world of the people around him, nature.

    to introduce students to the world of spiritual quest and suffering of the hero;

    show what kind of power a theory can have over a person, how a person is responsible for his decisions.


    • development of analytical thinking;

      development of the ability to analyze and compare compositional moments of the work, draw conclusions;

      development of oral coherent speech of students, the ability to build a logical

a story about a hero;

  • development of skills of independent thinking and ability to be creative

work in groups.


    the formation of humanistic character traits;

    fostering interest in literature, in the work of I.S. Turgenev;

    the formation of communication skills.


    Music a) Handel G.F. Sarabande; b) Catalani. Diva.

    Screen, computer, projector, portrait of the writer.

    Multimedia presentation.

    A package of materials for independent work in groups.



    Organizational stage. Providing perception and primary understanding of the studied.

    (Presentation: slide number 1) (music without picture in the slide).

    Teacher's word. (Expressive recitation of the episode "Death of Bazarov"against the background of Handel's music G.F. Sarabande - 2 minutes 54 seconds).

My business is crappy. I did not expect to die so soon; it is an accident. And in a few days they will bury me. My head is still in my power. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow my brain will resign. Even now I'm not quite sure if I'm making myself clear ... Red dogs are running around me. Like I'm drunk. Nothing else is needed. Strange! I want to stop thinking on death, and nothing comes of it. I see some kind of stain ... and nothing else.

Strength, strength, everything is still here, but it is necessarydie!..The old man, at least, managed to wean himself from life, andi ... yes,go, ntry to deny death. She denies you, and that's it! Who is crying there? Mother? Poor girl! Will she feed someone with her amazing borscht now?

I don’t want to rave, what nonsense! .. Subtract ten from eight, how much will come out? Wrap in cold sheets ... emetic ... mustard plasters to the stomach ... bloodletting, ... the crisis has come ... the crisis has passed ... The word means what! Found it, said "crisis" - and comforted. Has the crisis passed or has come? Fulfill the duty of a Christian? I do not refuse, if it can console you, but it seems to me that there is still nothing to rush ... The crisis has come ... The memoryless are also receiving communion. I'll wait. Now I want to sleep.

It's over with me. I got hit by a wheel. And it turns out that there was nothing to think about the future. Death is an old thing, but new to everyone. I still don’t worry ... and then unconsciousness will come ... Well, what can I tell you ... I loved you! It hadn't made any sense before, and even more so now. Love is a form, and my own form is already decaying.

Well, goodbye! Live long, and use while time. Look at what an ugly sight: the worm is half-crushed, and still bristling. And after all, I also thought: I will break off a lot of cases, I will not die, where! The task is there, because I am a giant! And now the whole task of the giant is how to die decently, although no one cares about this ... All the same.

Russia needs me ... No, apparently it is not needed, and who does it need? A shoemaker is needed, a tailor is needed, a butcher ... sells meat ... a butcher ... wait, I'm confused ... There is a forest here ...

Goodbye ... Goodbye ...Blow on the dying lamp and let it go out ...

    Formulation of the problem

    Do you know the feeling of loneliness? (unanswered question).

    Have you ever asked yourself the question: what's next? (unanswered question).

    What happens in a person's soul in the short moment before death? What?

The twenty-seventh chapter drew on the philosophical comprehension of all the material, led the previous chapters of the narration in the novel by IS Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

So, today we are continuing the lessons started on the basis of the novel by IS Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

    1. The stage of actualization of the subject experience of students. Motivation.

The last pages of the novel, dedicated to the death of the protagonist, are the most important. According to DI Pisarev: “... Description of the death of Bazarov is the best place in Turgenev's novel; I even doubt that there would be anything more remarkable in all the works of our artist. "

    Look at the epigraph. ( Presentation: slide number 2):

All the interest, the whole point of the novel

lies in the death of Bazarov ...


    What did the literary critic Pisarev mean when he wrote: "The whole interest, the whole meaning of the novel lies in the death of Bazarov ..."? (This is the question we have to answer)

    2. Writing the topic of the lesson. (Presentation: slide number 3)

The topic of the lesson is "Bazarov in the face of death ... (based on the novel by IS Turgenev" Fathers and Sons ").

    3. Organization of student activities for the adoption of the objectives of the lesson.

(Presentation: slide number 4)

Think about the epigraph, the topic and, according to these verbs, set the goals of our lesson:




    show role

    make generalizations


In the lesson, you will be able to: (read the first goal to the teacher, the second, etc. - to the students)(Presentation: slide number 5)

    analyze the episode, determine its main content;

    trace the logic of the development of the author's thought;

    show the role of this episode in the novel, then,

how it is linked to other episodes;

    make generalizations in the image of the central hero of the novel;

As you work on your work, I ask you to make notes in notebooks: keywords, clichés that will be needed to complete your homework.

    1. Stage of assimilation of new knowledge . Organization of research work.

Turgenev recalls: “I once walked and thought about death. After that, a picture of a dying person appeared in front of me. It was Bazarov. The scene made a strong impression on me, and then the rest of the characters and the action itself began to develop.

(Presentation: slide number 6 ) ( Students read in chains)

    What is Turgenev's view on the problem of the relationship of this type of people like Bazarov with people who are opposite to him in convictions, in mentality, in lifestyle? What place does he occupy in the world of other people?

    Will the age-old problem of fathers and children be solved? Will a person live in harmony with nature, and not perceive him as a “workshop”, while a person will be a “worker” in it?

    How were Turgenev's views on nature and the relationship between man and nature reflected, as well as his attitude to revolution, to revolutionary destruction and violence, and how did they affect the finale of the novel?

- these are the questions of our research work in the classroom.

    Frontal work on the previous chapters of the work.


Bazarov's relationship with all the main characters: the Kirsanovs, Odintsova, his parents and partly with the people - these are topics already known from the previous chapters. It would seem that the theme of the novel has been exhausted. Nevertheless, from chapter 22, the plot and composition of the second cycle of the hero's wanderings begins to repeat: Bazarov first gets to the Kirsanovs, then to Madame Odintsova and again to his parents.

    What can you say about Evgeny Bazarov's position in life?

    What is its specificity, i.e. how does it differ from the position of other heroes?(The specificity of Yevgeny's life position lies in the fact that he denies everything: moral ideals and values, moral principles, as well as painting, literature and other types of art. He does not accept Bazarov and the love sung by poets, considering it only "physiology." there are authorities, and he believes that each person should educate himself, not depending on anyone or anything. Bazarov is a nihilist).

    How did Bazarov feel about others?(We can say that Bazarov treated others with a solid share of condescension and even contempt, putting them below himself (recall at least his statements about Arkady's relatives and himself), considers the manifestation of such feelings as sympathy, mutual understanding, affection, tenderness to be unacceptable , sympathy.)

    How does Bazarov's loneliness grow in the face of the surrounding heroes?

a) Why can't there be understanding with the “fathers”? b) Why is Arkady “leaving”?

c) Why is love with Madame Odintsova impossible?

(Presentation: slide number 7 - key words)

    Using support words, compose answers to the above questions:

built on collision, the main character's antagonist. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov from the camp of "fathers", verbal fights, but end in a duel, both participants in the dialogue do not hear, fanatics of their own convictions, slaves of "principals", the idea of \u200b\u200bfriendship, a teacher-student relationship similar to oneself, feelings, reason, any feelings can be curbed and eradicated by an effort of will, love - "physiology", as a real, sincere feeling, feeling collides with his worldview and beliefs, which have already become part of him.

(a) Firstly, the entire novel "Fathers and Sons" is built on the collision of Bazarov with other characters. The main antagonist of the protagonist is Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov from the camp of "fathers". His clashes with Bazarov begin with verbal fights and end with a duel. In these disputes, each defends his own, the only correct, as it seems to him, point of view. In discussions between Yevgeny and Pavel Petrovich, truth is not born and cannot be born, because both participants in the dialogue do not hear (or rather, do not want to hear) their opponent. It is this deafness to the opinions of others, the absolute inability to at least try to understand the opposite point of view, in my opinion, that makes Bazarov and Kirsanov, who, at first glance, so distant from each other, related. Both of them are fanatics of their own convictions, slaves of "principes".

b) Secondly, Evgeny Vasilyevich has a special idea of \u200b\u200bfriendship. He thought that friendship is a teacher-student relationship, and the teacher is always right in everything. This is exactly how Bazarov felt about friendship with Arkady Kirsanov. He did not consider this chick a person worthy of respect. Eugene saw in Arcadia good material for creating a real person, similar to himself, by eradicating various nonsense like romanticism and teaching on the right path. At first, Bazarov was pleased with the admiration of his student and the role of the creator of a new person, but then, seeing that romantic, dreamy Arkady would not make a nihilist, he simply waved his hand at him. He says to Arkady: So you decided to build a nest .. You acted wisely. You are not created for our bitter, tart life ... You are a nice fellow, but you are still a little, liberal barich.
But it's not just Bazarov's understanding of friendship. It's just that Eugene himself does not know how to be friends. His arrogant, often unjustifiably rude treatment of Arkady violates all the eternal laws of human relations and inevitably leads to rupture. After all, friendship is an equal partnership, respect, and not slavery and not patronage.

c) Thirdly, Bazarov thinks that a real person should not be distracted by what is guided by feelings, not reason: love, admiration for nature, music, poetry, art, dreams, etc., since this removes him from the set goal. He himself considers himself above all this nonsense. Bazarov is sure that any feelings can be curbed and eradicated by an effort of will, life brings its own adjustments to his world outlook. Fate brings Eugene together with a smart, beautiful, calm and surprisingly unhappy woman, with Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. Bazarov falls in love, and having fallen in love, he realizes that his beliefs are at odds with the simple truths of life. Love appears before him not as "physiology", but as a real, sincere feeling. For Bazarov, who lives and "breathes" his nihilism, this insight cannot pass without a trace. Along with the destruction of beliefs, his whole life collapses, losing its meaning ... Refuting the views of the hero, Turgenev resorts to his favorite method - "the test of love." Bazarov meets Odintsova, and from that moment on, Yevgeny's fate takes on a tragic turn. There is a conflict in the soul of Eugene. The feeling, which he experiences for the first time, collides with his worldview and beliefs, which have already become part of himself).

    How are Bazarov's relations with the people, the strength that the hero feels behind him, for whom he is ready to sacrifice himself? What do we first notice in Bazarov's character after talking with the men?(Compare the attitude of the servants in Maryino and the attitude of the peasants on the Bazarov estate, describe the scene "Conversation with the peasants," noting the peasants' "playing along" to the master).

    Observing Bazarov's behavior, observe how the feeling of loneliness manifests itself in him. (Life (or the author) appears on the scene, creating a woman he has fallen in love with. Love and death finish painting Bazarov's portrait, making it clear all that tragic and contradictory that had previously been hidden in the recesses of the soul and was not recognized by the hero himself. Truly unhappy is a loving person, but not recognizing love. True, life has not yet created a woman capable of loving Bazarov, as well as a world capable of fully accepting and understanding him. Bazarov is alone, moreover, he is aware of his loneliness).

    Analysis of the episode "Death of Bazarov"


The protagonist of Ivan Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons", Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov, dies in the finale of the work. Why is the author doing this with the central character? Why is the description of Bazarov's death so important for understanding the meaning of the novel as a whole? The answers to these and many other questions can be found in the analysis of an episode of the work, which tells about the death of the main character from Chapter 27.

You worked on this chapter at home, so we will not read the entire chapter. Review the text to remember this episode again.

    Watching the episode - texts on the tables.

    Turgenev "leads" the hero to death.

    Why do you think? How does this reflect the views of the writer?("Figure ... doomed to perish")? Description of the illness and death of Bazarov is given in the novel in an authentic tragic tones with tremendous artistic power, because these events are the most difficult test for the right to be called a human being and Yevgeny's greatest victory: To die like Bazarov died is the same as doing a great feat. The death of Bazarov, confident in the omnipotence of science - an absurd death from an accidental cut - is perceived as a tragic grin of an omnipotent nature at a person who imagines that he is wiser and stronger than life itself.

All tests which Eugene had to endure, he endured brilliantly: he never sinned against his convictions, he never dropped his human dignity. With just one test Bazarov failed: he could not stand collisions with the author himself , which are given in the novel as a subtext, as an undercurrent. There are two collisions. Turgenev refutes the thesis of his hero: Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person is a worker in it, - depicting nature as a temple in the novel; and then the author, showing Bazarov's readiness to act in the spirit of his democratic convictions - to act, that is, to destroy, in order to clear a place for those who will build, does not give him the opportunity to act, because, from his point of view, Russia does not need such actions yet).

a) What is the cause of death?

b) How does Bazarov behave?

c) Why does he hide his condition from his parents?

d) How does it feel about death and how does it fight the disease? Confirm with text.

(and)The death of Bazarov is an annoying and stupid accident. It was the result of a small cut he received while opening the body of a peasant who had died of typhus. The hero's death was not sudden: on the contrary, it gave Bazarov time, an opportunity to evaluate what had been done and to realize the dimensions of the unfulfilled.

b) In the face of death, Bazarov is staunch, strong, extremely calm and imperturbable. Thanks to the author's description of the hero's state, we feel respect for Bazarov, not pity.

c) And at the same time, we constantly remember that we are faced with an ordinary person with his characteristic weaknesses. Bazarov hides his condition from his parents, feeling in himself a tremulous, filial attitude towards the elderly: “Who is crying there? he added after a little while. - Mother? Poor girl! Will she feed someone with her amazing borscht now? ... ",". Your father will tell you that, they say, what kind of person Russia is losing ... This is nonsense; but do not discourage the old man. Whatever the child is having fun ... you know. And caress your mother. After all, people like them cannot be found in your big light in the daytime with fire ... "

d) No one can calmly perceive the approach of the end, and Eugene, despite all his self-confidence, is not able to treat this with complete indifference. He regrets his unspent strength, the unfulfilled task. The “giant”, whom Bazarov always considered himself to be, can do nothing to oppose death: “Yes, go, try to deny death. She denies you, and that's it! " Behind the hero's irony, bitter regret about the passing minutes is clearly visible).

    Why does the hero refuse to confess, knowing that he will die anyway? Why, at the same time, remaining true to his convictions, he asks to call Odintsov? Why, before his death, Bazarov speaks so beautifully as he never said, that is, he betrays his principles? (In the face of death, everything external and superficial disappeared and the most important thing remained: an integral, convinced nature, capable of a beautiful feeling, of a poetic perception of the world. Eugene in the last days of his life becomes kinder, more tender. He longs for a meeting with his beloved woman in order to once again confess his love to her. He becomes softer with his parents, in the depths of his soul, probably still realizing that they have always occupied a significant place in his life and deserve a much more attentive and sincere attitude. Before his death, a reconciliation takes place in Bazarov's soul. He softens, opens up to love, becomes more tolerant of his parents, asks his father to take care of his mother - to hide from her the gravity of his situation. He ceases to resist love for Madame Madame).


As confirmation of this, let's read the episode "The Last Meeting of Bazarov and Odintsova" by roles.

    What is the symbolic meaning of Bazarov's death?( Bazarov devoted his entire life to striving to benefit the country and science. And death for him is not just the cessation of existence, but also a sign that he "Apparently not needed" Russia. Awareness of this "uselessness" comes to Eugene at the very last moment and becomes the final stage death of his views as well as his own death.

Herzen wrote that ending Bazarov's life with typhus was the worst service the author could render him. In his opinion, science could save Bazarov, give him what he was looking for. But, on the other hand, Fathers and Sons is more than just a novel, it is a reflection of the era, and Bazarov is not just a hero, but a “man of the time”. Only time can correctly finish his portrait. We must wait until Bazarov himself will become a “father”, when a new generation of “children” will come. Dying, Bazarov says: “Russia needs me ... No, apparently it doesn’t need me ...” On the one hand, this is annoyance with himself, that he decided to seek the truth, change the world and ... he died, and on the other On the other hand, this question that tormented him is one of the main problems of Bazarov's existence.

The reader understands that Bazarov has no one to convey that little, but the most precious thing he has - his convictions. He has no close and dear person, and therefore, no future. He does not think of himself as a district doctor, but he also cannot be reborn, become like Arkady. He has no place in Russia, and perhaps abroad, too. Bazarov dies, and with him dies his genius, his wonderful, strong character, his ideas and convictions. But true life is endless, flowers on Eugene's grave confirm this. Life is endless, but only true ... Therefore, in the finale, he recalls the fragility, fragility of life, about the life of nature, about great life values).

    What does the description of the cemetery with Bazarov's grave symbolize?

Reading the episode "At the Cemetery" ( Presentation: slide number 8, music Catalani Diva )

(Scene "In the cemetery": this is the hope for a peaceful, happy future, when injustice disappears.

Who does Russia need: he or the butcher, shoemaker, artisan? Is his nihilism necessary? Turgenev does not answer this question. Instead, we see a small rural cemetery in one of the corners of Russia, we see that Turgenev, as a master of words, not only found the strongest and most worthy ending of the novel (this is for the readers), but also with a simple human gesture (and this is already for himself) to the rebellious soul of Bazarov, the possibility of reconciliation, peace, warmth, eternity, which he was deprived of. The tragedy of Bazarov is in his very existence, in the fact that he does not find “his” truth in life).

    Knowledge consolidation stage. Working in groups. ( Presentation: slides number 9-11)

First group:

Prove that Bazarov is a contradictory image.

How is its inconsistency manifested? (at least 3 contradictions)

( Answer on slide 9)

He is a nihilist, a democrat, i.e. lives for society - but alone;

Denies love - but he himself passionately fell in love with Odintsov;

He is proud of his proximity to the people (“my grandfather plowed the land) - but complains that“ well he (the people) will live in a white hut, and a burdock will grow out of me ”

Second group:

Untimely death. Necessary payment for exclusivity.

How is this determined? Necessary payment for exclusivity.

What is Bazarov in death? He is good in death - does not lose dignity, thinks about loved ones, does not give up his views.

(Answer on slide 10)

Third group:

Where does Bazarov come to? “Russia needs me ... No, apparently, it doesn't need me ... And who does it need? A shoemaker, a butcher, a tailor ... ”they do these things without thinking about lofty goals.

( Answer on slide 11)



    Bazarov's business is to destroy the obsolete, to "clear a place" for the construction of the future, in the name of this, not to spare even myself. This is given in the novel as a social mission, which can be fulfilled by outstanding natures. And it is not their fault, but a misfortune if, having entered the battlefield early, selflessly taking the first blows upon themselves, they seem to die ingloriously. So, the tragic contradiction is resolved with a kind of conciliatory chord. Turgenev refutes the views of his hero, opposing his views not to some abstract theory, but to the laws by which man and nature exist. The hero believed that “first the place must be cleared,” and someone would build on this vacant lot. The author reveals the absurdity of this belief in the words about “endless life”. Everything develops in society, as in nature - gradually, naturally.

Our Bashkir poet Alexander Filippov wrote about this in one of his poems.( Presentation: slide number 12):

Everything that has been mined for centuries

This dancing host ate.

There was a case, stones were thrown

Time to collect them back.


The death of Bazarov is the logical conclusion of the tragic action. The tragedy of a nihilist lies in the fact that he does not fall into his own time and environment - here he is like in an airless space.

Turgenev is forced to show the death of Bazarov, because he is unable to show how Bazarov lives.


( Presentation: slide number 13)

Write an essay-reasoning "As I see Bazarov, stay alive."

In one of the editions of "Russian Bulletin" in the 60s of the 19th century, a work was published, the protagonist of which has firmly entered the history of Russian literature. The central character in Fathers and Sons is complex and multifaceted. According to the author himself, Evgeny Bazarov has become the prettiest and most interesting of the figures he created. This one is a harsh, solid and controversial nature. It is noteworthy that only at the end of the novel, when Bazarov found himself in the face of death, the writer revealed his character in full.

The figure is gloomy and wild ...

This was the name of one of the literary critics of Bazarov, the hero of the novel, in which Turgenev put his soul and several years of painstaking work. Bazarov in the face of death appears in one of the last chapters of this work. The author demonstrates in this episode how in the last days of his life changes take place in the hero's soul. The writer depicts in the final chapters a rethinking of Bazarov's entire life.

Being a commoner and not recognizing the social foundations on which most of the people who surround him rely, he is gloomy, somewhat cynical in expressions and sometimes quite harsh. But the main thing is that he is smart. There is something decisive and extraordinary in him that can save Russian society. At least that's what the author thought. In creating, Turgenev depicted a certain version of a new person.

Favorite brainchild of Turgenev

Bazarov became a favorite hero for the Russian writer. In the face of death, he changes somewhat. At the end of the work, a feeling of compassion evokes this image in the reader. But why did Turgenev act so cruel to Bazarov? Indeed, by his own admission, this character was his favorite child. Having embodied the image of a new man in a common nihilist, he destroyed him, and at the same time all his ideas.

Representative of modern times

The fact is that in the middle of the nineteenth century, Turgenev observed the emergence of new people. The writer understood that something new was happening. The views and beliefs of these people were not in harmony with the foundations of the old society. They caused surprise mixed with annoyance. But there was something fresh about these people, inspiring hope and faith. Turgenev rejoiced at their appearance, but could not imagine their future fate. Therefore, he wrote only what he knew. The way Bazarov is depicted in the face of death, perhaps, confirms the opinion of the writer about the mind of a new person, but the inconsistency of his ideas, which, at least in the sixties, could not yet be translated into reality.

Odintsova and Bazarov

"In the Face of Death" is an essay on literature, which, based on one of Turgenev's episodes, enables the student to learn about the reassessment of ideas and beliefs that occur at the end of almost every person's life. Bazarov disdained simple earthly joys. He also considered love relationships vulgar. Only science mattered in his life. But no matter what superhuman views he adhered to, love was born in his heart. A mockery of his ideas can be called a suddenly flared up feeling for Madame Odintsova. The irony over his scientific research became which led to an incurable disease. Bazarov appeared quite unexpectedly in the face of love and death - that is, in front of something that he had rejected all his life.


This character is very different from other heroes: Kirsanov, Sitnikov, Kuvshina. The latter are his caricature imitation. Bazarov leaves no one indifferent. It arouses interest, irritation, and curiosity. But his tragedy is that he is extremely lonely. Even in the parental home, where he is loved and adored, this hero does not find support. Love and understanding is the price he paid for his ideas. Bazarov realized his mistake in the face of death.

An analysis of the episode, which depicts the last days of his life, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhis inner strength and spiritual wealth. He is able to understand the failure of his life. He realizes that science, which was the raison d'être of his existence, will not save him.

A belated lesson

In the face of death, Bazarov also understands that his role in the fate of Russia would not be that great. Does his homeland need him? What did he do for her? The answers to these questions are now known to him. He has accomplished monstrously little compared to those who work hard and hard every day.

His life consisted mainly of reflections, which, however, were based on a great truth. Denying everything and everyone, he showed his obvious inability. And only when he was on his deathbed, he realized all his mistakes. It is impossible to live by rejecting all generally accepted human ideals and values. Being alone and without love is not easy. Bazarov understands this. He wants to live. But he also realizes that the end, alas, is inevitable.

After death

After the episode in which the author gives the key reflections and conclusions of the hero, a few words are said about the other characters. And most importantly - about what trace in their hearts was left by a young nihilist who left this world so early. “Bazarov. In the face of love and death ”is an essay in which one should not only characterize the main character of the novel, but also analyze his relationship with other characters.

His death became a real tragedy only for those for whom he was truly, sincerely dear, regardless of his nihilistic ideas and judgments. His parents felt true love for him. This feeling did not depend on any external reasons. Mother and father loved their son regardless of his worldview. For the rest of the characters, too, Bazarov's death did not go unnoticed.

But the tragic death of this man did not make an indelible impression on any of them. It is not known whether Bazarov was able to do something serious for science. The author once said that he wanted to make Bazarov a tragic person. And according to the law of the genre, such a hero at the end of the work must certainly overtake death.